Veterans honor the fallen at Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery
The origins of Memorial Day in the United States are not clear, and various groups claim to have held the first one shortly after the end of the Civil War. But the origin is less important than the fact that the tradition has continued to remember and honor those military personnel who died in the performance
Local veterans groups continued that tradition on Monday morning at Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery, where more than 100 people turned out to honor fallen veterans.
The event was sponsored by the Vacaville Veterans American Legion Post 165, Auxiliary AMVETS Post 1776, Disabled American Veterans Chapter 84, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7244, and the Service Veterans of Northern California Honor Guard.
Mike Little of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7244 served as Master of Ceremonies and opened and closed the ceremony with a poem. The concluding poem was one he wrote and included the touching line, “Don’t cry for us. We know why we joined.”
Among those on hand to honor the veterans was U.S. Congressman John Garamendi of the Third District.
He noted that the Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery is a very special location, with flags at each gravesite of military personnel. He urged those in attendance to remember the sacrifice that they made so that our country could continue. He also exhorted the attendees to “renew our own personal dedication to the principles of this nation” and said that was “not a sacrifice but a duty and obligation for every American.”
Also in attendance were representatives of three Gold Star families, those who lost a son or daughter serving in time of conflict.
Robin Nelson lost her son, Army medic Ryan Connolly, on June 24, 2008. Bob Nelson was his stepfather. Casey Sheehan was killed on April 4, 2004, while serving in the U.S. Army. His father Pat was in attendance. Samuel Papin died in Vietnam in 1969. He was only 18.
Gold Star family members, those who lost sons or daughters in the service of our country, lay a wreath at the foot of the flagpole on Monday at the Memorial Day Tribute held at Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery. (Matt Sieger — The Reporter)The three families joined representatives of the Vacaville Veterans organizations in laying wreaths at the foot of the United States flag, which flew at half-mast. They were accompanied by Julia Modena, Miss Vacaville, and several other pageant winners.
The ceremony opened with the posting of the colors by Scout Troup 488. The hoisted the flag to the top of the pole for the National Anthem, sung beautifully by Tina Benedict, and the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Erick Rowe of VFW 7244. They then lowered the flag to half mast and Andrew Maza of American Legion 165 offered a prayer.Kelli Gemeraad, who has worked tirelessly for decades in support of those who serve in our Armed Forces and who often pay the ultimate price for our freedom, was the Speaker of the Day at the Memorial Day Tribute at Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery on Monday morning. (Matt Sieger — The Reporter)The speaker of the day was Kelli Germeraad of American Legion Auxiliary 165. As a military wife, daughter, and mother, Germeraad felt called to duty over thirty years ago in support of those who serve in our Armed Forces and who often pay the ultimate price for our freedom. From working with members of Congress for changes to Agent Orange policies to spearheading the successful effort to bring the Fairfield VA Outpatient Clinic to Travis Air Force Base, Germeraad has been tireless in her efforts to better the lives of veterans.
She opened with brief stories of men and women who lost their children who served in the Armed Forces, growing emotional at times over the heartwrenching accounts. She said, “A father whose daughter was so brave and true stands in silent remembrance, missing the little girl with pigtails whose enthusiasm was larger than life.”
She said, “Most Americans will not experience the things I just described, but a small percentage will. Honoring their memory this Memorial Day and every day must be a priority to all Americans.”
She noted that the casualties of war are not limited to those who lost their lives,.
“As with my family, we are finding that those who made it home often have brought the deadly echoes of war home with them,” she said, noting that it is estimated that during the Vietnam War, over half of U.S. veterans were exposed to Agent Orange.
She talked of her advocacy for those veterans, a long fight to finally get the ear of two U.S. congressmen who took her seriously.
“We finally began to discuss changes to legislation governing Agent Orange, better exams, better tracking of results, legislation and funding for care, and compensation for our veterans,” she said, adding that the fight continues in trying to help newer generations of military veterans who are battling the effects of Gulf War Syndrome, the burn pits and post-traumatic stress disorder.
She concluded, “The fallen heroes and the heroes who made it home deserve the faithful, those willing to promote and preserve their legacy and stories for this generation and the next. We must all be the faithful.”
The Honor Guard gave a three-volley salute to the fallen. Then Greg Artau, a Marine veteran of Vietnam, played taps, followed by “Amazing Grace” by bagpiper Dave Wonnell of the Vacaville Fire Department.
The post Veterans honor the fallen at Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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