Μια εντυπωσιακή ματιά στο εσωτερικό του ναού του Λούξορ στην Αίγυπτο

Μια μικρή αλλά καταπληκτική περιήγηση μέσα από το ναό του Λούξορ στις Αιγυπτιακές Θήβες, σε ένα βίντεο που δημοσίευσε ο ιστότοπος ancientarcheology στο ίνσταγκραμ.

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@ancientarcheology Via @magomed.shapiev Luksor Tapınağı #luxortemple As the site of the Ancient Egyptian city of Thebes, Luxor has frequently been characterized as the «world’s greatest

open-air museum», as the ruins of the temple complexes at Karnak and Luxor stand within the modern city. Immediately opposite, across the River Nile, lie the monuments, temples and tombs of the West Bank Necropolis, which includes the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens. Thousands of tourists from all around the world arrive annually to visit these monuments, contributing greatly to the economy of the modern city. .El-Uksur, Güney Mısır’da El-Uksur valiliğinin başkenti olan antik Mısır şehri Thebes’in harabelerinin üstüne kurulmuş olduğundan dolayı dünyanın en büyük açık hava müzesi olarak da adlandırılır. Bu sebepten dolayı her yıl binlerce turist tarafından ziyaret edilir. …….. . . . . . #tarih #arkeoloji #sanat #art #arthistory #history #archaeology #archaeologyhistory #kültür #eygpt #architecture #ancienthistory #anciety #archaeologylife #archaeologist #historical #herculaneum #historylovers #ancientcivilization #archaeologicalsite #ancientruins #tombs#antiquearchaeology #historicalplace#archaeologist

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Antik TarihArkeoloji© (@ancientarcheology) στις 3 Μάρ, 2019 στις 3:14 πμ PST


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Μια εντυπωσιακή ματιά στο εσωτερικό του ναού του Λούξορ στην Αίγυπτο on BLUE SKY.

Τυχαία Θέματα