Local christian singles.We understand that individuals arrive at us with diagnoses
Local christian singles.We understand that individuals arrive at us with diagnoses
We recognize that people arrive at us with diagnoses, medicines, and history that is medical. Individuals are actually embodied, and really should be looked after in a fashion that respects and attends into the human body.
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At Fieldstone Counseling you’ll find humility, hope which help in an accepted destination what your location is befriended and lgbt dating website understood deeply.>
Ed Welch, M.Div., Ph.D. CCEF Faculty Member
In globe with great problems we truly need counselors whom love the father, love people and understand and love the Scriptures. This is exactly what you will find at Fieldstone Counseling.
Dr. Ernie Baker, Pastor of Counseling and Discipleship, First Baptist Church Jacksonville; Fellow, ACBC
there is certainly a great significance of guidance facilities which are built on the building blocks for the gospel, attached to the regional church, clinically-informed, and supply spaces for folks to come across the hope of Christ. I will be excited for just what Fieldstone Counseling means for the town and churches of Cleveland and beyond.Jason Kovacs, Executive Director, Austin Rock Counseling Center; Co-Founder, Together for Use
IвЂve known Jonathan Holmes as being buddy and therapist for quite a while. We have myself seen the advantages that the parachurch counseling ministry can offer. That is why IвЂm stoked up about the individuals, marriages, and families which is endowed through the ministry of Fieldstone Counseling.Brad Hambrick, M.Div., Th.M.
AreasGreen4520 Southern Arlington PathUniontown, Ohio 44685
Bainbridge7100 Pettibone RoadChagrin Falls, Ohio 44023
Lakewood14398 Detroit AvenueLakewood, Ohio 44107
Lake County3961 Kirtland RoadWilloughby, Ohio 44094
Remote CounselingFor more information about Remote Counseling, down load information that is additional or email us at
Counseling TeamJonathan D. HolmesEXECUTIVE DIRECTORJonathan Holmes could be the Founder and Executive Director of Fieldstone Counseling. He additionally functions as the Pastor of Counseling for Parkside Church Bainbridge and Green. Jonathan graduated through the MasterвЂs University with levels in Biblical Counseling and History along with his MA from Trinity Evangelical Divinity class. He could be the writer associated with the Company We Keep and Counsel for partners and the rescue that is forthcoming (P&R Publishing, 2021). Jonathan has written for many web web sites and companies Christianity that is including Today The Gospel Coalition, Biblical Counseling Coalition, ERLC, and also the Journal for Biblical Counseling. Jonathan acts regarding the Board of Directors for CCEF (Christian Counseling academic Foundation) as well as the Council Board when it comes to BCC (Biblical guidance Coalition). He could be regular speaker at seminars and retreats. He and their spouse, Jennifer, have actually four daughters, Ava, Riley, Ruby, and Emma. Jonathan enjoys time that is spending their family members, traveling, reading, and cooking.
Crystal KershawDIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC INITIATIVESCrystal is just a Christ-follower, spouse, mom, friend, educator, and writer. She cherishes the Gospel, while the ability that is miraculous needs to bring beauty from ashes. Crystal has a thorough back ground in females’s ministry and Christian Education, and it is the creator of Spirit & Strength, A christ-centered workout ministry. She’s got authored a repertoire of studies and seminars on subjects including faith that is authentic conquering anxiety, connecting to Jesus, and involved parenting.
Crystal holds a Masters in Pastoral Counseling, with a concentrate on ladies, kiddies, and adolescents. As well as Fieldstone Counseling to her work, Crystal acts because the Associate Head of School and Director of Counseling at Cornerstone Christian Academy. Her web log, Please Pass the Mustard Seeds, features faith builders when it comes to world that is real. She and her spouse Jeff have actually three children that are adult while making their house in Northeast Ohio.
Kali ThomasCOUNSELING SERVICES ADMINISTRATORKali is passionate about showing the care and love of Christ to those in need. A master is had by her of Arts in Biblical Counseling through the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology through the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. She actually is presently in stage 3 of official certification because of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) and it has intends to carry on her education with CCEF next. The father spurred her love for guidance during university while she served within an college that is on-campus discipling university girls. She experienced first-hand exactly how powerfully the term of Jesus is able to enact modification and knew she desired to help others use the Bible with their life. She really really loves seeing god operate in individuals everyday lives and walking alongside them because they grow to understand the level associated with riches and knowledge and familiarity with Jesus. She actually is excited to achieve individuals anywhere they truly are and apply biblical truth with their circumstances, motivating them to trust the father in the face of challenging circumstances, everyday activity, and every thing in-between.Kali and her husband, Kolby, reside in Charlotte, new york where Kolby is a Student Pastor at a church that is local. She loves pets, particularly dogs, enjoys exploring the culture and food of brand new places, artwork, and baking.
Sue MoroneyCOUNSELOR & BOARD MEMBERSue Moroney is just a school that is licensed and a part of Parkside Church Green Campus. A college instructor, and ten years as a school counselor, Sue currently is a family caregiver, a guardian for foster children, and a Bible study teacher and facilitator after working as a writer. Due to her calling to simply help others, she lives away a ministry of “availability” inside her everyday life. Sue received an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton university Graduate class, and an M.Ed. in School Counseling from Malone University. She lives in North Canton with her husband Steve that is a Pastor at Parkside Green. They will have two married daughters and four sweet grandchildren that are little. Hiking on nature tracks and recording Jesus’s stunning creation through photography actually makes her laugh.
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