Fake news ότι σκοτώθηκε ο Μιλτ Παλάσιο (vid)

Πριν από λίγη ώρα έγινε γνωστή η είδηση ότι ο Μιλτ Παλάσιο έφυγε από τη ζωή σε τροχαίο, ωστόσο δεν πρόκειται περί fake news.

An NBA scout told me that the news about Milt Palacio’s death is NOT TRUE.
Who put the news out wrote a fake news. Before reporting we have checked different websites that reported already before us.
We should have checked more and more. There is no excuse for what we reported

— Emiliano Carchia (@Carchia) November 22, 2019

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