Ο Ερντογκάν συλλαμβάνει και επιχειρηματίες!!
18:05 29/7/2016
- Πηγή: Taxalia
Τρεις επιχειρηματίες συνέλαβαν οι δυνάμεις του Ισλαμιστή Ερντογκανμε την κατηγορία της συμμετοχής στην απόπειρα πραξικοπήματος. Ένας απ αυτούς και ο ιδιοκτήτης των ΙΣΤΙΚΜΠΑΛ καταστήματα των οποίων υπάρχουν και στην Ελλάδα.
detaining three major businessmen as part of investigations into the activities of U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen.
Security forces in the Central Anatolian province of Kayseri detained the chairman of the family-owned Boydak Holding company, Mustafa Boydak, and two other top executives.
He and the two other executives - Şükrü and Halit Boydak - were detained at their homes. Efforts were continuing to detain former chairman Hacı Boydak as well as İlyas and Bekir Boydak for whom warrants have also been issued.
The detentions were part of an investigation into the financing of Gülen's activities in Turkey. Ankarablames the cleric for the failed July 15 coup attempt aimed at unseating President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
These appear to be the first major arrests targeting the business world in a crackdown that has already sought to eradicate Gülen's influence from the military, legal system, education and civil service.
Mustafa Boydak is also the head of the chamber of commerce in Kayseri, a fast growing city dubbed one of the "Anatolian Tigers" for the growth and prosperity it has enjoyed under Erdoğan's rule.
Boydak Holding has interests in furniture, energy and finance, and notably owns the prominent Istikbal and Bellona furniture firms.
DHA photo
Turkish authorities on July 29 widened their post-coup crackdown to the business sector,Security forces in the Central Anatolian province of Kayseri detained the chairman of the family-owned Boydak Holding company, Mustafa Boydak, and two other top executives.
He and the two other executives - Şükrü and Halit Boydak - were detained at their homes. Efforts were continuing to detain former chairman Hacı Boydak as well as İlyas and Bekir Boydak for whom warrants have also been issued.
The detentions were part of an investigation into the financing of Gülen's activities in Turkey. Ankarablames the cleric for the failed July 15 coup attempt aimed at unseating President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
These appear to be the first major arrests targeting the business world in a crackdown that has already sought to eradicate Gülen's influence from the military, legal system, education and civil service.
Mustafa Boydak is also the head of the chamber of commerce in Kayseri, a fast growing city dubbed one of the "Anatolian Tigers" for the growth and prosperity it has enjoyed under Erdoğan's rule.
Boydak Holding has interests in furniture, energy and finance, and notably owns the prominent Istikbal and Bellona furniture firms.
συλληψεις, ελλαδα, dha, business, sector, major, security, central, top, turkey, president, recep, world, military, system, education, civil, head, city, energy, finance, turkey, business, central, city, civil, education, energy, finance, head, major, military, president, recep, sector, system, top, world
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