Halo 4 Achievement list
11:57 24/8/2012
- Πηγή: GameWorld
Προσοχή: spoilers.
Η 343 Industries αποκάλυψε την λίστα με τα achievements για το Halo 4.
Το βασικό campaign θα αποτελείται από οκτώ μεγάλες αποστολές. Θα πρέπει για άλλη μια φορά να κυνηγήσετε terminals, ενώ θα υπάρχουν συγκεκριμένα missions σε κάθε level που θα αυξάνουν επιπλέον το Gamerscore σας. Οι αποστολές στο Spartan Ops mode θα έχουν κι αυτές τα achievements τους.
Ακολουθεί η σχετική λίστα:
Dawn - Complete Mission 1 on any difficulty (10G)
Requiem - Complete
Forerunner - Complete Mission 3 on any difficulty (10G)
Infinity - Complete Mission 4 on any difficulty (10G)
Reclaimer - Complete Mission 5 on any difficulty (10G)
Shutdown - Complete Mission 6 on any difficulty (10G)
Composer - Complete Mission 7 on any difficulty (10G)
Midnight - Complete Mission 8 on any difficulty (10G)
Wake up John - Complete the Campaign on Normal or harder (20G)
I Need a Hero - Complete the Campaign on Heroic or harder (40G)
The Legend of 117 - Complete the Campaign on Legendary difficulty (70G)
Lone Wolf Legend - Complete the Campaign solo on Legendary difficulty (90G)
Skullduggery - Complete any Campaign mission with 3 or more Skulls on Heroic or harder (15G)
Bropocalypse - Complete any Campaign mission co-operatively on Heroic or harder (10G)
Bromageddon - Complete the Campaign co-operatively on Heroic or harder (40G)
Contact the Domain - Find a Terminal in the Campaign (10G)
Terminus - Find all of the Terminals in the Campaign (50G)
Digging up the Past - In Mission 1, find and access Chief's record (20G)
Midnight Launch - In Mission 2, get significant air in the Warthog at midnight (20G)
This is my Rifle, this is my Gun - In Mission 3, carry a UNSC weapon all the way through on Heroic or harder (20G)
Bros to the Close - Make it through Mission 4 without one preventable Marine death on Heroic or harder (20G)
Mortardom - In Mission 5, hijack a Wraith and use it to kill at least four enemy Wraiths on Heroic or harder (20G)
Explore the Floor - In Mission 6, trick or force a Hunter to fall to his demise (20G)
Give Him the Stick - In Mission 7 in solo Campaign, take out both Hunters using only the Sticky Detonator (20G)
Chief, Smash! - In Mission 8, kill 3 Crawlers in one hit with the Gravity Hammer (20G)
Not Some Recruit Anymore - Rank up your Spartan-IV to SR-5 (15G)
Movin' on Up - Rank up your Spartan-IV to SR-20 (30G)
I ♥ Red vs Blue - Win 5 War Games matchmaking matches (10G)
The Dongblainer - Win 20 War Games matchmaking matches (30G)
Operation Completion - Complete a Spartan Ops Mission on any difficulty (15G)
A Legendary Episode - Complete all chapters in Spartan Ops Episode 1 on Legendary difficulty (40G)
Dedicated to Crimson - Complete all chapters in the first 5 episodes of Spartan Ops on any difficulty (80G)
Crimson Alone - Complete a Spartan Ops chapter solo
halo, list, halo, list, ops, dawn, john, hero, legend, wolf, domain, find, access, air, gun, floor, hunter, stick, sticky, hit, gravity, hammer, red, blue, win, games, games, hunter, οκτω, συγκεκριμενα, φορα, air, access, blue, domain, find, floor, john, gravity, gun, hammer, hero, hit, legend, μια φορα, ops, red, sticky, win, wolf, stick
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