Video: Introducing The Eurogamer Show, weekly on Fridays

Hello! Happy Friday! And welcome to the first episode of The Eurogamer Show.

A while back I introduced you to our new video team: the Ian Higton you all know and love, Aoife Wilson, Chris Bratt and Johnny Chiodini. In the intervening weeks you've hopefully got to know them a bit better: if you've been watching, you'll have found out that Ian likes virtual nostalgia, Chris likes town planning, Aoife likes talking about sex and Johnny likes thinking about death. (And shooting horses, apparently.)

Behind the scenes they've also been working on a weekly show for the Eurogamer channel. This is a slightly longer video in a mini-magazine format that will go out every Friday - just in time for end-of-the-working-week slacking (or Saturday morning phone-browsing in bed, depending on personal preference). Every episode will feature a chat with someone from the website team about what they've been up to, as well as a couple of mini-features - some of them a bit serious, some of them a bit stupid.

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