PS5: Βαρβάτες βελτιώσεις με το update Σεπτεμβρίου

Ώρα για το δεύτερο μεγάλο update του PS5. Η Sony ανακοίνωσε το September update του PS5, το οποίο φέρνει μεταξύ άλλων προσθήκες στο μενού της κονσόλας, 3D audio για ηχεία τηλεόρασης και την πολυπόθητη υποστήριξη M.2 SSD για επέκταση αποθηκευτικού χώρου. Το update βγαίνει 15 Σεπτεμβρίου.

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Game Library and Home Screen updates
If you have PS4 and PS5 versions of the same game installed, they’ll now appear separately in the “Installed” tab of the Game Library and on the Home screen. Each game’s tile now also clearly indicates its platform.

Screen Reader controls
Players can now pause or resume Screen Reader (Press “PS + Triangle buttons”) and have it repeat anything it reads (Press “PS + R1 buttons”).

PlayStation Now resolution selector and connection test tool
PlayStation Now subscribers can choose between 720p or 1080p (depending on individual game) to accommodate their preferred video resolution for game streaming. A streaming connection test also helps them identify and troubleshoot any problems with their connection.

New Accolade Type: “Leader”
Following an online match, players can award others with a fourth accolade type, “Leader,” which is visible on players’ profiles.

Automatic capture of “personal best” videos
When players compete in challenges for a better time or a higher score and set a new personal best, a video clip of the action will automatically be recorded. Players can also share clips of their personal bests directly from the challenge card in the Control Center, or from their Media Gallery. Players have direct control over this functionality via their Captures and Broadcast settings.

New Trophy tracker
We’ve added a new Trophy Tracker that lets players quickly access up to five trophies per game through the Control Center.

3D Audio Support for Built-In TV Speakers
The PS5 September Update adds support for players to experience 3D audio through their built-in TV speakers. Once enabled in the Sound menu, this feature transforms standard two-channel TV speaker audio into three-dimensional sound, heightening the sense of gameplay immersion. Players can measure the acoustics of their room using the microphone on their DualSense wireless controller to apply the 3D audio setting that’s optimized for their room. In addition, players with a Pulse 3D Wireless Headset now have access to equalizer settings within Sound Controls, allowing them to customize the sound profile according to their preference.

M.2 SSD Storage Expansion
Starting tomorrow, PS5 players around the globe can expand their storage capacity with an M.2 SSD, a type of high-speed solid state drive that can be installed in the PS5 console or PS5 Digital Edition console. Once installed in the PS5 or PS5 Digital Edition console, M.2 SSD storage can be used to download, copy, and launch PS5 and PS4 games, as well as media apps. You can play PS5 and PS4 games directly from M.2 SSD storage and freely move games between storage options.

PS Remote Play App over mobile networks
With the PS Remote Play app, players have enjoyed the ability to remotely stream and play PS4 and PS5 games, switch between games, and browse their console’s menus on any compatible device connected to their broadband network. Now, players using the mobile app for iOS and Android have the option of using a mobile data connection when WiFi is not available.

View Share Screen broadcasts on PS App
Starting next Thursday, Sept. 23, a PS App update will begin rolling out globally and give users the ability to view their friends’ Share Screen broadcasts together. To start, join a party voice chat from your mobile device with a friend who’s playing on a PS5 console. Then ask your friend on PS5 to start their Share Screen broadcast. Please note, only players on PS5 can broadcast via Share Screen. The Android version of the update is a phased release and may take one week until the update is available on your mobile device.

PS4 Console Enhancements
We’re also introducing some new features for PS4, including the ability for players to view their PS5 trophies on their PS4 profile and Trophy list. Players can also view other players’ PS5 trophies on PS4. On both PS4 and PS5 consoles, Party owners now also have the ability to disband a Party without having to remove players individually., το Άσυλο των gamers

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