Splatoon 2 - update 3.0.0
Ώρα για ένα ακόμα βαρβάτο update του Splatoon 2. Όπως ανακοίνωσε η Nintendo, το update 3.0.0 του Splatoon 2 είναι πλέον διαθέσιμο. Δείτε αναλυτικά τις πολλές βελτιώσεις παρακάτω και πείτε μας αν ασχολείστε!
Changes to Gear
New gear has been added to the shops.
Changes to game music
Added two new
Changes to single-player mode
Fulfilling a certain requirement will cause Callie (from the Squid Sisters!) to appear at Tentakeel Outpost.
Changes to Ranked Battle
A new rank type, “X Rank” is now available.
Changes to Splatfests
When Splatfest results are revealed, team voting percentages and win percentages will now display to the hundredths digit after the decimal point.
When playing multiple solo Splatfest matches with few allies, your Splatfest Power will not decrease when losing. Now, Splatfest Power will not decrease when in this situation for an even shorter duration.
Changes to Regular Battle
When playing multiple matches with few allies your Vibe Meter will not change when you lose.
Changes to Multiplayer
Fixed an issue causing the ink tank display to mistakenly appear empty when in squid form and low on ink.
Fixed an issue causing players to occasionally ascend sloped terrain faster than normal by facing the slope and pressing B repeatedly while proceeding.
Fixed an issue allowing players submerged in ink on a wall to be detected by the aiming reticle of opponents standing on the other side of the wall.
Fixed an issue incorrectly extending super jump distance when attacking with certain weapons just prior to landing during a super jump.
Fixed an issue causing players to enter stage objects when the landing point of their super jump was surrounded by obstacles.
Fixed an issue causing the landing or impact indicator to not display correctly when readying a sub weapon for use while facing a horizontal ceiling.
Fixed an issue causing shots fired from blaster weapons not to ink certain walls.
Fixed an issue causing shots fired from chargers by charging for a brief moment when changing from squid to kid form to not fire in the direction of the aiming reticle, and to disappear immediately instead.
Fixed an issue causing shots from sloshers to incorrectly pass through certain pieces of stage terrain and ink the ground just beyond that terrain.
Fixed an issue causing the hit animation of a Sloshing Machine’s shots to not display in the correct location when the spiral portion of the shot hit placed objects like Splash Walls directly.
Fixed an issue causing an unnecessary hit animation to display when a Curling Bomb slid across a Sponge.
Fixed an issue causing Sponges not to change size when hit with a Curling Bomb on a particular side.
Fixed an issue making it difficult to place Ink Mines on top of the tower in Tower Control.
When attacking a player performing a Splashdown special just prior to their descent, the condition of the attacking player’s internet connection determined whether or not damage would be dealt. Damage will now always be dealt correctly regardless of connection condition.
Due to this change, the situation will no longer occur in which damage is dealt regardless of whether or not the attacked player appears to take damage or not just prior to starting their descent when performing a Splashdown special.
Fixed an issue causing players using brush weapons who performed an attack while simultaneously activating a Splashdown special during a super jump to not perform the Splashdown.
Fixed an issue causing explosion damage from an Inkjet’s shots not to register when the shots appear not to hit on the screen of the attacking player, but did not appear to hit on the screen of the player being attacked.
Fixed an issue causing a Sting Ray’s firing animation to continue to display on the screens of other players when getting on an Ink Rail while using the Sting Ray.
Fixed an issue causing an Ink Storm’s raining animation not to display in the correct location when swimming through its area of effect.
Climbing surfaces with the Baller where inkable walls connect to non-inkable walls will now be easier.
Fixed an issue causing Respawn Punisher to not take effect when defeated by an enemy with that gear ability while the player also had Respawn Punisher equipped.
Changed the effect of Respawn Punisher so that when a player has it equipped, allies splatted by the explosion from the Rainmaker after its time limit runs out will not suffer its effects.
When an opponent who splats you is using the Respawn Punisher or Haunt and the effects of those gear abilities is activated, that activation will stand out clearly on the screen while waiting to respawn.
Fixed an issue in Tower Control matches causing players caught between a stage terrain feature and the metal grating portion of the tower’s platform to be pushed inside the stage feature.
Fixed an issue in Rainmaker matches causing the explosion animation from the Rainmaker’s shots to appear after the actual explosion when its shots hit a Splash Wall or expanded Brella.
Fixed an issue in Clam Blitz causing the barrier to be destroyed at the same time the goal descended when clams landed on top of the goal in its raised position.
Fixed an issue in Clam Blitz matches causing clams tossed by other players not to be picked up when touched when the player’s internet connection quality is poor.
Fixed an issue in Clam Blitz matches allowing players to remain on the cover in the upper part of the goal.
Fixed an issue in Starfirsh Mainstage where placement of obstacles could be slightly off causing slight asymmetry between the two sides of the map.
Fixed an issue in Sturgeon Shipyard causing bubbles from the Bubble Blower that explode beneath the central bridge to mistakenly ink the walkway on the bridge.
Fixed an issue in Sturgeon Shipyard causing the surfaces of the drawbridge to not count on the turf map when inked at a specific time while in motion by bombs or other objects.
Fixed an issue in Manta Maria during Rainmaker matches allowing players to make their way deep into enemy turf from above the goal.
Fixed an issue in Blackbelly Skatepark during Rainmaker matches allowing players to make their way deep into enemy turf by making the side of a crate in your turf uninkable, then making use of the side of the crate.
Fixed an issue in Blackbelly Skatepark during Rainmaker matches allowing players to make their way deep into enemy turf from above the goal.
Fixed an issue in Piranha Pit allowing players to make their way deep into enemy turf by using slightly sloped surfaces and the corner of certain stage features.
Fixed an issue in Piranha Pit causing the ripples created by moving through ink while swimming on conveyor belts to appear in the wrong location.
Fixed an issue in Piranha Pit allowing players to move inside certain stage features from specific corners on those stage features.
Fixed an issue in Piranha Pit causing Splash Walls and Sprinklers to break immediately when placed at the base of a conveyor belt.
Fixed an issue in Piranha Pit causing Splash Walls and Sprinklers placed on specific conveyor belts to break when they reached the end of the belt.
Fixed an issue in Piranha Pit during Tower Control matches allowing players to jump off the tower in the area of the 3rd checkpoint, reach an Ink Rail, and make their way deep into enemy turf.
Specifications for some of the main, sub, and special weapons have been changed. Click here for details
Specifications for some of the gear abilities have been changed. Click here for details
Specifications for points required for some specials have been changed. Click here for details
Changes to Salmon Run
Fixed an issue causing players to rarely move inside the stage object when in contact with the egg basket while it contained Golden Eggs.
Fixed an issue causing damage indicators to not appear or damage to be registered by attacking a Steel Eel’s weak point when multiple Steel Eels gathered in the same location.
Fixed an issue causing players to rarely be unable to pick up any more Golden Eggs when multiple players tried to pick up the same Golden Egg and a player disconnected from the match.
Fixed an issue preventing players from rescuing downed friend (in life preserver form) even when hitting them directly with a Splat Bomb when the internet connection quality is poor.
Changes to Spectator Mode
Fixed an issue in Private Battles when a player is using spectator mode, causing a sound effect to play in the middle of the stage as if the player were submerging themselves in ink.
Fixed an issue causing the hit indicators for the Sting Ray to not display correctly when switching between the perspective of a player using the Sting Ray and other perspectives.
Other Changes
When a player has reached X Rank in the Ranked Battle mode they are currently playing pressing in the L and R sticks at the same time while in the lobby will cause the player to strike a special pose.
Fixed an issue in the Style tab of the Equip menu screen where the order of hairstyles for Girl characters differed from the order in which they were displayed in Player Settings.
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