Επιπλέον βελτιώσεις στο Nioh
Νέος γύρος βελτιώσεων στο πολυαναμενόμενο Nioh ενόψει της κυκλοφορίας του τον Φεβρουάριο. Όπως ανακοίνωσε η Team Ninja, κάνει επιπλέον βελτιώσεις στο Nioh με βάση τις παρατηρήσεις όσων έπαιξαν το πρόσφατο δεύτερο demo του παιχνιδιού. Δείτε τις αλλαγές παρακάτω και πείτε μας πώς σας φαίνονται! Τί εντυπώσεις σας έχει αφήσει το Nioh μέχρι τώρα;
• Fine
• Adjust RPG elements such as player growth and armor parameters
• Further improvements to clarify the interface and make it easier to use
■ Action & Controls
• Revise the TPS controls
• Add and adjust samurai skills
• Adjust the player damage/defeat
• Adjust the methods and performance of lowering the enemy stamina
• Adjust the weight and agility of armor
■ Enemies
• Adjust strength and attack power of enemies
• Adjust the AI tracking ability and groupthink
• Add Boss attack variations in the Twilight Missions
• Revise superarmor (stagger/no stagger) and homing abilities
■ Level Design/Stages
• Adjust position of enemies including the Twilight Missions
• Adjust enemy detection issues
• Adjust collision such as dropping edges
■ UI
• Improve each type of interface and usability
• Expand the tutorial
• Expand the maximum number of items (overall and per item)
• Adjust the amount of armor items dropped
• Expand the functions of the Blacksmith, adjust the requirements of Re-Forge and Soul Match
• Implement items when player level is reset
• Revise each type of reward
■ Camera
• Improve camera behavior in areas of bad visibility and inclines
• Add the ON/OFF option for camera autocorrect
■ Online
• Adjust Revenant drops
• Improve the enemy attack behavior during co-op play
• Fix enemy transparency bugs
• Allow movies to be skipped after the Boss is obliterated in co-op play
■ Other
• Stabilize the frame rate of image optimization
• Fix various problems and bugs
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