Πρόωρη αποκάλυψη για το multiplayer του Black Ops 2;

Το Black Ops 2 είναι το φετινό Call of Duty και το μόνο που μένει πλέον είναι η επίσημη ανακοίνωσή του. Στο μεταξύ όμως, οι διαρροές διαδέχονται η μία την άλλη, με το multiplayer αυτή τη φορά στο επίκεντρο. Οι παρακάτω ανεπιβεβαίωτες πληροφορίες έκαναν την εμφάνισή τους στα επίσημα CoD forums και στη συνέχεια σβήστηκαν από την Activision,

γεγονός που ενισχύει την αίσθηση ότι είναι πραγματικές. Σύμφωνα με αυτές, το multiplayer του Black Ops 2 είναι ένα μίγμα του πρώτου Blops και του Modern Warfare 3. Διαβάστε αναλυτικά παρακάτω και πείτε μας γνώμη!

Leaked Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Information

This year, Call of Duty will return with it’s ninth installment with Black Ops 2. As expected it will be following Treyarch’s previous game Black Ops. It’s release date is set for the 6th of November.

Game Modes

Escort, a new game mode similar to Search and Destroy however a live player must be escorted to one of three areas (or two depending on the map) without being killed. The match will have rounds, consisting of one life only.Drop Zone and Kill Confirmed will returnTeam Defender and Infected will not return


Will follow from Modern Warfare 3′s systemLarger emphasis on objectivesA bomb plant is worth 2 pointsA neutral flag is worth 1, however an enemy flag is worth 2flag assist capture is worth 1, a capture is worth 2The Specialist Pointstreak has be modified. 2 kills now gets you 1 perk. The 4th kill gets you 2 more perks. The 6th kill gets you 3 more perks. The 8th Kill gets you 4 more perks. You do not get every perk when you reach 8 kills. Perks only become «Pro» when you have them ProRC XD will not returnHeat vision is a new Pointstreak reward. When you get the required points, you can activate this Pointstreak and your player pulls out a scope and attaches it to your weapon. This scopes main advantage is it’s ability to detect enemies through most walls. Note, the scope can only be attached to primaries not including shotgunsItem Packages requires 5 points. Fall along side care packages and air drop traps. Features a list of package items only including ammo, mini gun, grenade launcher, rocket launcher, and body armor


There will be 15 prestigesThere will be 50 ranksEvery two prestiges there is a 5 rank increaseThe final prestige has 90 levels


ELITE is being fully incorporated into Black Ops 2Combat record has been modified and re-named as ELITE StatsThere will be a specific lobby for clan matches (new way of leveling clans)Clan Tournaments can now be implemented


No MOAB or NukeNo last standNo death streaksNo flame thrower attachment

Map Design

Map design and size will be following Black Ops not Modern Warfare 3

Sniper Rifles

Improved sniper rifle usage.No aim assist for any sniper rifle.Less sway


No longer just perk 1 chooses the players appearanceAppearance is a combination of all perks and type of Pointstreak being used.


Larger emp
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