Βελτιώσεις στο Doom
Ώρα για το πρώτο βαρβάτο update του Doom. Όπως ανακοίνωσε η Bethesda, το update βγαίνει 30 Ιουνίου και φέρνει μεταξύ άλλων photo mode για in-game εικόνες. Δείτε αναλυτικά τις προσθήκες και βελτιώσεις παρακάτω και πείτε
New Features and Optimizations
Added Classic DOOM weapon placement/view model option (all modes)
Added Photo Mode (You’ll find the new Photo Mode toggle in the game settings. It is available through the pause menu once you are loaded into a map via Mission Select)
Updated weapon balance (live as of June 10, 2016)
Clan Arena and Freeze Tag now require the winning team to complete 5 rounds in order to win the match. (live as of June 10, 2016)
Customization UI has been implemented to show all possible unlocks
Cross Style option has been added to settings for MP.
Added Original Author to the map info page
Added a timeout for AFK in Lobby
Added a property to allow map authors to choose if SnapMap will auto-manage (hide/show) hand-placed AI
Added Enable/Disable to Shootable Trigger
Added Sky/Window props
Added an auto-rollback to previous version for corrupted maps
Improved sorting algorithms for Most Popular map searches
Single Player
Fixed Steam Friends’ Ultra-Nightmare Helmets not populating the map
Fixed freeze when opening weapon wheel at more than 142 FPS (PC)
Fixed quit to desktop when clicking campaign after initiating Dev Mode (PC)
Fixed “IDKFA” Trophy/Achievement not properly unlocking (all versions)
Fixed PS4 crash when reloading checkpoint in Foundry
Fixed some occurrences of the “Every Nook and Cranny” Trophy not unlocking after collecting all Doomguys (PS4)
Fixed an issue where the game required Internet access (Xbox One)
Fixed crash while experiencing server connection issues (PS4)
Fixed crash when a client suspends the game while a lobby loads into a match (PS4)
Various cosmetic and gameplay fixes
Matchmaking improvements
Fix for restrictive NAT types being chosen as dedicated server lobby host
Fix for larger lobbies having longer matchmaking times
Fix for Player getting left behind if they join a friend as the lobby countdown finishes
Bug and stability fixes
Fixed Asian language font issues
Fixed AI pathing error with certain types of props
Fixed error where multiple maps share the same Map ID
Various map error fixes
Various logic fixes
Various stability fixes
Fixed Dev Mode incorrectly triggering when the user retrieves their own save data from Steam Cloud
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