Βελτιώσεις στο Nioh
Η ανάπτυξη του Nioh μπαίνει στην τελική φάση της ενόψει της κυκλοφορίας του παιχνιδιού μέσα στο 2016. Η Team Ninja ανακοίνωσε τις βελτιώσεις που κάνει στο Nioh με βάση τις παρατηρήσεις των παικτών που έπαιξαν το πρόσφατο alpha demo του παιχνιδιού. Δείτε τις αναλυτικά παρακάτω και πείτε μας τις δικές σας εντυπώσεις από το demo
• Add tutorials regarding the game system.
• Adjust balance mainly in the opening sections to make battles fairer.
• Improve controls and camera system.
• Improve the understandability and usability of the UI.
• Improve graphic performance
■ Tutorials
• Implement a training stage for tutorials on basic controls and core game actions.
■ Action &Controls
• Improve player &camera behavior during lock-on.
• Change the conditions under which the player character becomes unresponsive when the Ki Gauge is empty.
• Expand item shortcut slots.
• Revise the objects which require holding a button and the response to the hold input.
• Improve detection for the half-circle analog stick input.
■ Enemies
• Adjust attack and defense parameters of enemies.
• Revise enemy pursuit of the player.
• Revise superarmor (stagger/no stagger) for each enemy and attack.
• Adjust Revenant AI.
■ Level Design/Stages
• Improve exploration elements such as shortcuts, etc.
• Add hints to guide players to boss areas.
• Revise the display of objects that block the view of the player character.
• Adjust fire area damage.
■ UI
• Improve layout and displayed information.
• Adjust text size.
• When making an offering at a shrine, allow the player to perform all actions at once.
■ Online
• Improve online synchronization.
• Allow the host to use the Shrine menu during co-op play with a Visitor.
• Adjust the rate at which enemy parameters increase during co-op play.
■ Other
• Remove durability stat for weapons and armor.
• Adjust the drop rate for equipment.
• Add a new control type.
• Implement a flow to allow players to exit a mission.
• Fix other bugs.
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