Βελτιώσεις στο οnline app του Switch

Το περιβόητο online app του Switch για κινητά επιτέλους βελτιώνεται. Όπως ανακοίνωσε η Nintendo, το update 1.1 του Switch Online app είναι διαθέσιμο. Δείτε τις βελτιώσεις παρακάτω και πείτε μας

γνώμη! Το χρησιμοποιείτε;

Voice chat will now continue when other apps are opened. (*1)
Voice chat will now continue during sleep mode. (*2)
Improved support for Bluetooth devices. (For Android devices only.)

(*1) This excludes apps with audio output or apps that use the microphone.

(*2) If the power-saving feature is activated on devices using Android 6.0 or later, voice chat may be interrupted after the device has entered sleep mode. To use voice chat during sleep mode, go to Other Settings > Power Saving Settings in the app and deactivate battery optimization on the Android device. For more details, please refer to the official website for your smart device.

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