Editorial Ta Nea: Opportunism

23:13 12/1/2019 - Πηγή: In.gr

Ever since he came to power Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has declared his devotion to stability. His main argument is that early elections will undermine political stability which the economy so desperately needs.

As main opposition leader, however, he was persistently demanding elections and finally triggered them by using the parliamentary election of the President to dissolve Parliament,

for lack of the requisite enhanced majority.

The argument is unfounded, and not only because for years he did not do much to ensure political stabillity and consequently economic stability when he was seeking power.

The climate that the PM and his junior coalition partner have cultivated is a far cry from political stability. On the contrary, political uncertainty predominates resulting in the entrapment of and threat to the economy, as Mr. Tsipras would concede.

The responsibilities of the government are not unclear. The basic cause is that the PM and his partner are conducting politics based on their personal interests.

They have become entangled in a vicious circle of mutual aid and then undermining each other, with the sole aim of extending their stay in power. One sees on a daily basis that not even the economy or national issues are placed above self-interest.

Such behaviour is not political, but rather the result of pure opportunism, to which the entire country falls victim in the end.

Messrs. Tsipras and Kammenos can no longer ignore this, as anxious as they may be to tend to their personal interests.

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