Jeremiah Peterson: Πως αυτός ο άνδρας έχασε 42 κιλά, άλλαξε εμφάνιση και ζωή για την οικογένεια του

23:01 2/10/2020 - Πηγή:
Ο Jeremiah Peterson αισθάνθηκε την ανάγκη να αλλάξει τρόπο ζωής, όταν κατάλαβε ότι δεν μπορεί να βοηθήσει στην ανατροφή των παιδιών του, λόγω των πολλών κιλών του, αλλά και της κακής κατάστασης που ήταν ο οργανισμός του.

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We ain’t the same. I would never use politics to gain followers. #ihatepolitics

A post shared by Online | TRANSFORMATION COACH (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) on Sep 29,

2020 at 8:17pm PDT

Τα περιττά κιλά και η μεγάλη απόφαση

Γνώρισε τη γυναίκα του, δασκάλα γιόγκα σε μία από αυτές, παντρεύτηκαν έκαναν το πρώτο τους παιδί, και τότε είδε τα κιλά του να ανεβαίνουν. Στο δεύτερο παιδί τα κιλά είχαν φτάσει 140, και ο ίδιος αδυνατούσε να βοηθήσει στις ανάγκες που έχει ένα σπίτι με δύο μικρά παιδιά.

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Fall Is the Perfect Time To TRANSFORM and Get In Shape plus enjoying hot coffee There’s a reason they call it “the lazy days of summer.” With kids out of school, the whole routine is often thrown way off. When the kids aren’t in a routine, then it’s difficult to get into a routine yourself. Add vacations into the mix and it’s a recipe for all play, no workouts. Now that Fall has arrived, it’s time to get yourself back to a routine. That is why I’ve come up with the perfect fall challenge for you. I have received hundreds of messages requesting a shorter transformation challenge . I want you all to know I do my very best and try to fulfill all your requests so here it is. . 2 months (8 weeks) Transformation Challenge and yes only 25 can enter. . Meaning you will compete against 24 other people. That’s it. YES, that’s it!!! . That makes your odds of winning the challenge VERY VERY good. . Oh. And the winner wins $1500. . To enter go to my website link up in my Bio you will then join my 8 week Transformation coaching program… . You will have 2 months of coaching with me personally. Yes, be ready to crush your goals! The winner at the end of 8 weeks (in NOVEMBER before thanksgiving ) will win $1500. Yes, you can change your life for good and get paid. If you have any questions whatsoever feel free to direct message me. . Let me know if your in down below in the comments Let’s do this _________________________________

A post shared by Online | TRANSFORMATION COACH (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) on Aug 30, 2020 at 2:34pm PDT

Σύντομα ήρθε και το τρίτο παιδί και στα 41 του αποφάσισε να αλλάξει τρόπο ζωής, αφού ήθελε να είναι μέρος της καθημερινότητας της οικογένειας και όχι απλά ένας παρατηρητής.

Σε μία οικογενειακή εκδρομή όπου η γυναίκα του με ένα παιδί στην αγκαλιά και δύο μικρά παιδιά δίπλα της προπορευόταν 20 μέτρα μπροστά, πήρε την απόφαση να αδυνατίσει και να γυμναστεί.

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Very important information!Please read below. . I have received hundreds of messages requesting a shorter transformation challenge . I want you all to know I do my very best and try to fulfill all your requests so here it is. . 2 months (8 weeks) Transformation Challenge and yes only 25 can enter. . Meaning you will compete against 24 other people. That’s it. YES, that’s it!!! . That makes your odds of winning the challenge VERY VERY good. . Oh. And the winner wins $1500. . To enter go to my website link up in my Bio you will then join my 8 week Transformation coaching program… . You will have 2 months of coaching with me personally. Yes, be ready to crush your goals! The winner at the end of 8 weeks (in NOVEMBER before thanksgiving ) will win $1500. Yes, you can change your life for good and get paid. If you have any questions whatsoever feel free to direct message me. . Let me know if your in down below in the comments Let’s do this _________________________________ A goal is never straight forward. There are hiccups. There are obstacles and there are “human moments” along the way. They are inevitable but not impossible to overcome. . As long as we put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward, we are on the right track [ progress ]. . Eat too many calories today, eat better tomorrow. . Miss a workout today, get that workout in tomorrow. . Bad sleep last night, get to bed earlier tonight. . Don’t dwell, move on!!!

A post shared by Online | TRANSFORMATION COACH (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) on Aug 25, 2020 at 5:03am PDT

Και το αποτέλεσμα ήταν εξωπραγματικό.

Η αρχή μιας νέας ζωής

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MY 150 DAY TRANSFORMATION CHANGED MY LIFE IN SO MANY WAYS. I know it can change yours as well. I only have three spots left in my fall transformation challenge. I know a lot of you are short on funds in these hard times. That is why I will be giving away one of the 25 spots! (Value $1200). THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!!! To win this giveaway simply write down below in the comments why you or someone you know needs this change in 2020. I know when I was looking at losing weight I wasn't sure about a challenge. I had all the excuses. I run a business. I have kids. I don't have time to workout. It takes too much focus away from running the business. What I know now? I know that my health, my strength, my confidence, my dedication, my hard work… ALL reflect deeply into my very excuses and or amply exactly what I love and value the most. I didn't realize how lazy I had been. How INACTIVE I was with my family until I became ACTIVE. How much of a slacker I had been at my own job…my own business. Then my transformation rocked my whole world for the better. I know it can have a tremendous effect on yours as well. WHY DO YOU NEED THIS TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE TO END OUT 2020? Let me know!

A post shared by Online | TRANSFORMATION COACH (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) on Jul 30, 2020 at 4:55am PDT

Σε 5 μήνες έχασε 42 κιλά, 10 κιλά λίπους, μάλιστα τα κιλά λίπους ήταν σπλαχνικό, τηρώντας καθημερινά ένα πρόγραμμα. Άρχισε να τρώεει υγιεινά, χωρίς να κάνει ακρότητες, έκοψε εντελώς το αλκοόλ και κυρίως τις μπύρες που λάτρευε, τις καθημερινές έκανε 5-6 χλμ τρέξιμο και τα Σαββατοκύριακα 20 χλμ με το ποδήλατο.

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HUGE GIVEAWAY!!! I mean it’s humongousGET YOUR FREE SHIRT! SWIPE RIGHT TO SEE Yes, your choice of a shirt totally free! I’m going to be giving thousands of these shirts away. 100% free I’m paying your shipping as well. To enter it’s so easy! STEP ONE: In the comments below write in your favorite quote you want on your shirt. You choose! “DO THE WORK” “YOU’RE RIGHT, WE AIN’T THE SAME. RESULTS MATTER” “YOU’RE RIGHT, WE AIN’T THE SAME. DAD BOD STEP TWO: In a separate comment tag a minimum of three people. ( Extra entries if you tag more). ALSO ONLY 5 spots remain for the next TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE that starts August 1st. By far this is the very best program out there for reaching your goals! _________________________________ 25 people can enter this challenge. Meaning you will compete against 24 other people. That’s it. YES, that’s it!!! That makes your odds of winning the challenge VERY VERY good. Oh. And the winner wins $3,000. To enter go to me website link up in my Bio you will then join my One on One coaching discounted to $1000… ( make sure you use the discount code: 25challenge ) You will have 5 months of coaching with me personally. Yes, be ready to crush your goals and change your life! The winner at the end of 5 months (in December) will win $3000. Yes, you can change your life for good and get paid. If you have any questions whatsoever feel free to direct message me. _________________________________ Thank you so much for all the love and support you all give on a daily basis. I appreciate it more than words can describe. Let’s keep this going. Keep lifting others up, keep doing the work and let’s all work to live our very best life!

A post shared by Online | TRANSFORMATION COACH (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) on Jul 28, 2020 at 5:12am PDT

Γράφτηκε σε γυμναστήριο, που σύμφωνα με το, επισκεπτόταν 3 φορές την εβδομάδα. Σήμερα απολαμβάνει όλες τις οικογενειακές στιγμές, ενώ όταν δημοσιοποίησε την αλλαγή του είδε τους followers στο Instagram να αυξάνονται κατά 36.000 άτομα.

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