ND leads SYRIZA by eight points, gloom over economy
A new poll conducted by Metron Analysis suggests that a high percentage of Greeks are not satisfied by the top two parties, and that the public has a general sense of gloom over the prospects of the Greek economy.
The survey – which indicates there will be a five-party parliament
The centre-left Movement for Change and the ultra-right nationalist Golden Dawn are tied for second place with 6.8 percent.
The Greek Communist Party (KKE) places third with six percent.
The remaining parties, three of which are represented in the current parliament, did not pass the requisite three percent threshold to enter parliament.
The Centrists’ Union party gets 2.3 percent, To Potami garners 1.4 percent, and the Independent Greeks, SYRIZA’s junior coalition partner, faces a trouncing with only 1.4 percent.
Beyond that, a hefty 15.7 percent were undecided or refused to respond, and 2.7 percent of respondents said they would vote for another party.
Majority say ND will win election
When asked which party they believe will win the next election, 53.8 percent said New Democracy and only 23.4 percent said SYRIZA.
ND leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis was deemed to be “best suited for the office of prime minister” by 32.9 percent, compared to Alexis Tsipras’ 24.8 percent. Yet over one-third (36.6 percent) of voters responded that neither of the two leaders is qualified to lead the government.
In a novel question, “Which of the two parties would you like to win by even a single vote?” 36.3 percent chose New Democracy and 26.1 percent picked SYRIZA. However nearly one-third of respondents (30.2 percent) said they did not want any party to win.
Timing of elections
Asked when they believe elections should be held, 30 percent said before the May European Parliament and local elections, 32 percent preferred that all three polls be held together in May, and 31.3 percent said the government should complete its four-year term in September, 2019.
As for when they believe the government will decide to go to the polls, the smallest percentage (20.5) said before May. An equal percentage of respondents believed the election will be held in May, 2019 (36.4 percent) or September (36.1 percent).
Deep pessimism on economy
The survey also reveals a general sense of gloom over the prospects of the Greek economy.
Asked if they believe “the sacrifices of citizens will be not go to waste and the economy in general will recover” a whopping 64.8 percent responded either probably not or certainly not, while fewer than one-third (27.8 percent) said probably yes or certainly yes.
The poll clearly demonstrated that most Greeks are pessimist about whether the economic prospects for themselves and their families will improve. About two-thirds of those polled (65.1 percent) said probably not or certainly not, while about a quarter (25.7 percent) responded affirmatively.
Barely making ends meet
The survey clearly demonstrated that most Greeks have serious problems in making ends meet – 69.6 percent said they face great difficulties or can barely meet their personal and family economic obligations.
About 10 percent said that they are completely unable or almost completely unable to meet their personal and family obligations.
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