Η Aston Martin Lagonda Taraf πλέον διαθέσιμη σε Ευρώπη και Νότια Αφρική
Η Aston Martin παρουσίασε την Lagonda Taraf τον περασμένο Νοέμβριο στο Dubai, και ξέραμε ότι θα βγει σε λιγότερο από 100 μονάδες από το τμήμα Q by Aston Martin και θα προσφέρεται αρχικά σε πελάτες από την Μέση Ανατολή. Σήμερα, όμως, η βρετανική εταιρία ανακοίνωσε ότι το μοντέλο θα πωλείται και στην Ευρώπη και στην Νότια Αφρική, επιβεβαιώνοντας τα λεγόμενα του CEO της Aston Martin που είχε δηλώσει πως εξετάζουν τη δυνατότητα να πωλούν την Lagonda
Θα προσφέρεται και ως δεξιοτίμονη, με τη παραγωγή της Lagonda Taraf να περιορίζεται στα 200 αυτοκίνητα. Το αυτοκίνητο βασίζεται στην VH πλατφόρμα της εταιρίας και διαθέτει ανθρακονημάτινα μέρη αμαξώματος για να μειωθεί το βάρος. Περιγράφεται από τον σχεδιαστή του, Marek Reichmann, ως “εξαιρετική αυτοκινητιστική τέχνη” και στο εσωτερικό συναντάμε περίτεχνες δερμάτινες στο χέρι επενδύσεις, αλουμινένια και ξύλινα διακοσμητικά.
Κάτω από το καπό της βρίσκεται ο 6,0-λιτρος V12 κινητήρας απόδοσης 560 ίππων με 630 Nm ροπής, που επιτρέπει στο αυτοκίνητο να έχει τελική ταχύτητα 281 χλμ/ώρα, με την ισχύ να μεταδίδεται στον πίσω άξονα μέσω ενός 8-τάχυτου κιβωτίου.
Δελτίο ΤύπουAston Martin is today announcing that the luxurious new Lagonda super saloon will be made available, in strictly limited numbers, to more customers around the world.
Aston Martin will now accept orders for the Lagonda Taraf – the latest in a proud line of saloons revered worldwide as ‘the finest of fast cars’ – from prospective owners in more major markets. It is now available to clients in EU legislation-compliant Continental Europe, the United Kingdom and South Africa, with the Lagonda Taraf now re-engineered to be available in either left or right-hand drive.
CEO, Dr Andy Palmer said: “Opening up the Lagonda Taraf to an increased number of customers around the world was a high priority for me as soon as I joined Aston Martin late last year. I wanted to be able to offer this exceptional saloon to the potential owners from around the globe who have been enquiring about it, and I’m very happy that we have been able to expand the Lagonda proposition.”
Initially available only to buyers in the Middle East, where it was launched in Dubai late last year, the Lagonda Taraf is being built in a strictly limited small series of no more than 200 cars.
The return of Lagonda follows in the wake of other bespoke special projects by Aston Martin such as the creation of the extreme Aston Martin Vulcan supercar, Vantage GT3 special edition, One-77, V12 Zagato and the CC100 Speedster Concept.
Based on the brand’s almost infinitely flexible VH architecture, the saloon draws inspiration from the highly sought-after William Towns-designed Lagonda of 1976 and features many of the same cutting edge engineering techniques seen in modern Aston Martin sports cars, such as the extensive use of carbon fibre body panels.
The car is hand-built by the finest craftsmen and women at Aston Martin’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Gaydon, Warwickshire, in a dedicated building previously given over to the creation of the One-77 supercar.
The 6.0-litre V12-engined super saloon is being offered to clients through Aston Martin’s VIP sales programme with precise pricing details remaining confidential, and likely to be significantly different in each case due to very high levels of bespoke content. Naturally, each Lagonda customer will have the option of ensuring their car is truly unique by personalising it via the popular Q by Aston Martin bespoke service.
Dr Palmer said: “As a result of today’s announcement we anticipate very quick expressions of interest from customers around the world, many of whom will want to add Lagonda to their luxury and sports car collections.
“Aside from its confident style, many buyers will also recognise this Lagonda Taraf as a piece of automotive history, following in the tracks of its distinguished predecessor the William Towns Lagonda.”
He added: “I’m also particularly pleased that we have been able to engineer Lagonda for right-hand drive markets meaning, of course, that I’m sure we will see the car in use on Aston Martin’s ‘home ground’ of the UK in due course.”
Aside from its original markets in the Middle East, the Lagonda Taraf is now also available in the following territories: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine
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