Η Karma Automotive ετοιμάζει εργοστάσιο στη Κίνα

Η Karma Automotive έχοντας ξεκινήσει ξανά την παραγωγή εστιάζει το βλέμμα της στην αγορά της Κίνας, την χώρα καταγωγής της μητρικής της εταιρίας Wanxiang Group. Η εταιρία θέλει να ανοίξει εκεί ένα νέο εργοστάσιο, το οποίο θα κοστίσει στο αφεντικό της Wanxiang, Lu Guangqiu, 2,5 δισ. γουάν -περίπου 335 εκατ. ευρώ.

Το νέο εργοστάσιο θα κατασκευαστεί στην πόλη Hangzhou και θα έχει δυναμική 50.000 αυτοκινήτων ετησίων. Σε αυτό θα κατασκευάζεται τόσο το Karma,

όσο και Revero όσο και το Atlantic. Η εταιρία διαθέτει επίσης εργοστάσιο στην Καλιφόρνια, κοντά στο Λος Άντζελες και το επιχειρηματικό της πλάνο είναι να πουλά η ίδια απευθείας τα αυτοκίνητα στους πελάτες, χωρίς να εμπλέκονται αντιπρόσωποι, όπως ακριβώς κάνει και η Tesla.

Δελτίο Τύπου

Karma Automotive Announces Distribution Strategy

Automaker to Implement Innovative Distribution Strategy, Leveraging the “Best of Both Worlds” to Serve Luxury Customers

COSTA MESA, Calif., Aug. 8, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Karma Automotive today announced their planned distribution strategy using both independent dealers and also company owned brand-experience centers to sell and service the new Revero. The company has been curating best-in-class dealers in key markets in preparation for the Revero going on sale later this year.

“We spent the last year going through a long and complex process to ensure that our distribution strategy would live up to the exacting standards for luxury and service our customers will expect,” said Joost de Vries, VP of Sales & Service. “There are advantages to both dealer and company-owned locations. There are also a multitude of regional, legal and business considerations that make one or the other more attractive. We chose both approaches which will benefit our customers over the lifetime of their affiliation with the brand.”

Dealer agreements have been signed by eight U.S. and two Canadian dealers. In addition, Karma is working on the development of its first Orange County Brand Experience Center that will be announced separately.

“Purchasing a Karma represents entry into an exclusive club, for those who share a passion for memorable automotive design and a desire to drive a vehicle that is good for the environment,” said Jim Taylor, Chief Revenue Officer. “The dealers we chose understand this customer’s DNA.”

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