Η PaucoPlast νέος συνεργάτης της Sauber

16:51 7/3/2013 - Πηγή: AutoBlog

Εκτός από τη Lotus, και η Sauber ανακοίνωσε σήμερα συμφωνία, αν και αυτή είναι σε τεχνικό και όχι σε οικονομικό τομέα. Η ελβετική ομάδα θα συνεργάζεται με την PaucoPlast, η οποία είναι εταιρεία που ειδικεύεται στην κατασκευή κομματιών από συνθετικό άνθρακα, κάτι που σημαίνει ότι θα είναι μια σημαντική βοήθεια

για την κατασκευή των ανθροκονημάτηνων τμημάτων των μονοθεσίων της.

Δηλώσεις της Προέδρου της Sauber, Monisha Kaltenborn, αλλά και του CEO της PaucoPlast, Philipp Schranz, μπορείς να διαβάσεις στο παρακάτω Δελτίο Τύπου.

[Πηγή: Sauber F1 Team]

Δελτίο Τύπου

07.03.2013 – Hinwil, 7th March 2013 – PaucoPlast AG, a company specialising in the manufacture of carbon/composite parts, has been a supplier to Sauber since the early days. Indeed, the cooperation between the two parties has continued virtually uninterrupted since 1973.

Now the partnership is set to reach new levels, with PaucoPlast named as a Technical Partner of the Sauber F1 Team. The PaucoPlast logo will be displayed on both the car (on the rear section of the sidepods) and the team’s equipment.

“We have been working very closely with PaucoPlast for many years now,” says Monisha Kaltenborn, Team Principal of the Sauber F1 Team. “For us, PaucoPlast represents a guarantee of production quality and delivery reliability when it comes to complex carbon-fibre parts such as the floor, brake ducts and body elements. The close geographic proximity of the two companies to one another also assists our partnership. I’m delighted that we’re now stepping up our cooperation another notch.”

“The passion and efficiency of the Sauber F1 Team when it comes to a challenge as complex as Formula One excites and inspires us time and again,” says PaucoPlast CEO Philipp Schranz. “It is a philosophy that we apply in every one of our projects. That’s why we’ve been keen to explore a more in-depth partnership.”

PaucoPlast was founded by Paul Pfenninger and Conrad Rapp in Erlenbach on Lake Zurich in 1970. The company produced its first body for the Sauber C3 in 1973. This heralded the start of a close cooperation which has continued through the Sauber-Mercedes sports prototype era to the current Formula One operation. The company has been based in Altendorf on upper Lake Zurich since 1990, and its infrastructure has been consistently updated to reflect the latest developments in carbon/composite technology.

CEO Philipp Schranz and COO Pascal Fazio took over at the helm of PaucoPlast AG in 2011. As well as its work in the motor sport arena, the company is also a supplier to other high-tech sectors such as the aerospace industry and produces components for air defence systems and civilian drones.

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