Η.Π.Α: 1 στα 5 αυτοκίνητα εμπλέκονται σε ανάκληση

Σχεδόν ένα στα πέντε αυτοκίνητα που βρίσκονται στους δρόμους των Η.Π.Α χρήζουν επισκευής, μιας και εμπλέκονται σε ανακλήσεις. Σύμφωνα με την Carfax, υπάρχουν περισσότερα από 47 εκατομμύρια αυτοκίνητα στις Η.Π.Α που πρέπει να επισκεφτούν ένα συνεργείο, 27% πιο πολλά σε σχέση με πέρυσι, με τις περισσότερες ανακλήσεις να αφορούν θέματα ασφαλείας με τις επιδιορθώσεις τους να εξασφαλίζουν την προστασία των οδηγών και των επιβατών των επηρεαζόμενων οχημάτων.

Στους δρόμους των Η.Π.Α, σύμφωνα με την τελευταία καταμέτρηση, υπάρχουν 258,5 εκατομμύρια αυτοκίνητα, με τα οικογενειακά

minivan, να είναι η κατηγορία εκείνη των οχημάτων που επηρεάζεται περισσότερο από τις ανακλήσεις, μιας και 1 στα 4,6 minivan που υπάρχουν στους δρόμους των Η.Π.Α επηρεάζονται από ανάκληση. Ακολουθούν τα SUVs με ποσοστό 1 αυτοκίνητο στα 5,1, με τα pickups και sedan να έπονται με αναλογία 1 προς 5,5. Ο μέσος όρος είναι 1 αυτοκίνητο στα 5,4, με την NHTSA μέσα στο 2015 να ανακοινώνει κοντά στις 900 ανακλήσεις που επηρέαζαν 51 εκατομμύρια αυτοκίνητα. Σύμφωνα με τα στοχεία της Εθνικής Υπηρεσίας Οδικής Ασφάλειας και Διοίκησης των Η.Π.Α, περίπου το 25% των αυτοκινήτων δεν έχουν επιδιορθωθεί.

Η NHTSA συμπληρώνει πως κατά τους πρώτους εννέα μήνες του 2015, περίπου 26.000 άνθρωποι έχασαν τη ζωή τους σε τροχαία ατυχήματα στις Η.Π.Α, 9% περισσότεροι σε σχέση με την ίδια περίοδο του 2014, με το 94% των ατυχημάτων να προκύπτει από ανθρώπινο λάθος

Δελτίο Τύπου

Carfax: Vehicles With Unfixed Recalls Now Top 47 Million

Year-Over-Year Increases Continue; Minivan, SUV Owners at Highest Risk

CENTREVILLE, Va., Feb. 10, 2016 — More than 47 million vehicles that people are driving, buying or selling in the U.S. have at least one unfixed safety recall, according to Carfax. The company’s annual research on the issue suggests a net increase of more than one million vehicles from last year. In addition, every state now has at least 100,000 vehicles with an open recall.

If you own an SUV or minivan, or live in Texas, Mississippi, Alaska, Utah or West Virginia, then you’re most likely to have an unfixed recall. Especially if you fall into one of these two groups, using resources like myCarfax helps you take the all-important next step of bringing your vehicle to a local dealer. While finding opportunities to get a recall fixed can be challenging, a safe family vehicle is paramount.

“Our data shows there’s still much hard work to be done in addressing recalls,” said Larry Gamache, communications director at Carfax. “Many people still are unnecessarily risking their lives by not staying informed or taking action when their vehicle is under a recall. It’s one of the many reasons family-oriented vehicles, including one in four minivans, are the most-highly impacted. Carfax continues to work closely with the auto manufacturers so we can alert people in the U.S. and Canada that their vehicles have a potentially dangerous defect that needs to be fixed.”

The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently announced that new recalls were issued for more than 51 million vehicles in 2015, the most-ever in a year.

“Millions more vehicles will likely be recalled this year, adding to the ones already with outstanding airbag recalls, ignition switch recalls, electrical system recalls and more. Resources like myCarfax that continuously monitor your car and send alerts to your mobile device are helping people everywhere find and fix more recalls,” continued Gamache.

Car owners simply enter their license plate, a feature unique to the myCarfax app, or VIN to get started. In addition, anyone worried about buying a car with an unfixed recall can shop with confidence at carfax.com. Every vehicle listed for sale there comes with a free Carfax Report, which includes open recall information reported to Carfax.

About Carfax (www.carfax.com)Carfax, a unit of IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS), is the vehicle history expert for used car buyers, sellers and the automotive industry. Carfax created the Vehicle History Report in 1986 and continues to develop innovative services – like Carfax Used Car Listings and myCarfax – that make it easier to buy, sell and own a used car. The company maintains a database comprising over 15 billion vehicle history records from more than 92,000 sources worldwide. Get a free Carfax® Vehicle History Report from dealers with every used car for sale on Carfax.com or look for Carfax Advantage™ dealers in your area and say ‘Show Me the Carfax™’. Based in Englewood, Colorado, USA, IHS is the leading global source of information, insight and analytics in the automotive industry and other critical areas that shape today’s business landscape.

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