Συγκριτικές δοκιμές πελατών από την Jaguar
Αν δεν είσαι σίγουρος για την αγορά της Jaguar XE ή φοβάσαι μήπως είναι κατώτερη των αντιπάλων της και είσαι κάτοικος Αγγλίας, τότε αυτή είναι η ευκαιρία σου. Το ερχόμενο Σαββατοκύριακο του Σεπτεμβρίου, οι υποψήφιοι αγοραστές της Jaguar XE θα έχουν την δυνατότητα να οδηγήσουν παράλληλα και τους άμεσους ανταγωνιστές της, την Mercedes C-Class, την BMW
Η διαδικασία είναι απλή. Το μόνο που έχουν να κάνουν οι υποψήφιοι αγοραστές είναι να δηλώσουν το ενδιαφέρον τους για test drive στον εκάστοτε αντιπρόσωπο ώστε να διοργανώσει την συγκριτική δοκιμή. Σύμφωνα με την Jaguar, είναι η πρώτη εταιρία στην Αγγλία που δίνει τη δυνατότητα σε υποψήφιους αγοραστές της να δοκιμάσουν παράλληλα και τα άλλα τρία αντίπαλα μοντέλα σε μια συγκριτική δοκιμή σαν αυτές των περιοδικών. Το πρόγραμμα θα διεξαχθεί μόνο για το πρώτο Σαββατοκύριακο του Σεπτεμβρίου και περιλαμβάνει 250 αντίπαλα μοντέλα τα οποία θα διανεμηθούν σε όλες τις αντιπροσωπείες της Αγγλίας χωρίς όμως να βρίσκονται διαθέσιμα και τα τρία μοντέλα σε όλες. Επιπλέον, η Jaguar δεν γνωρίζει ακόμη αν η διαδικασία αυτή θα επεκταθεί και στην υπόλοιπη γκάμα της.
Τέλος, η Jaguar XE παίζει σε μία άκρως απαιτητική και ανταγωνιστική κατηγορία. Η βρετανική εταιρία έχει ήδη πουλήσει 30.000 ΧΕ παγκοσμίως για το 2016 την στιγμή που η C-Class είναι το δέκατο σε πωλήσεις μοντέλο στην Αγγλία αυτό τον χρόνο με περισσότερες από 25.000 μονάδες.
Δελτίο ΤύπουIN BRIEF
Jaguar’s XE sports saloon is pitted against its rivals across UK showrooms in the first weekend of SeptemberCar buyers invited to test up to three competitor vehicles at Jaguar UK showrooms and decide for themselves if the XE beats its rivals onto their drivewayJaguar becomes the first manufacturer in the UK to offer such a competitive comparison through its showroomsThe multi-award winning Jaguar XE is the current Auto Express Compact Executive Car of the Year and was named ‘a Game Changer’ at the 2016 Autocar AwardsIN DETAIL
(Whitley, Coventry – 31st August 2016). Jaguar UK makes a bold statement this summer with an open invitation for car buyers to test the multi-award-winning XE against its rivals in the market through group tests arranged at UK showrooms.
More than 250 examples of the three main rivals to the Jaguar XE have been brought in for the first weekend of September and placed at key Jaguar retailers across the UK for the magazine-style group tests to take place.
Jaguar Land Rover UK managing director Jeremy Hicks said:
“Our offer is simple: if you are interested in test driving a Jaguar XE, but are uncertain about how it will compare against its key rivals, then contact your local Jaguar retailer and arrange your own personal group test. It’s a bold move, never done before by a manufacturer in the UK, but the Jaguar XE speaks for itself. It is the best looking car in its class, appealing to the heart but with class-leading running costs that add up to a shrewd financial purchase.”
“It’s a class leader across the key measures of efficiency, performance and cost of ownership and absolutely holds its own in the most hotly contested sector of the market against the most established players in the world. We know it, the critics know it, now it’s time for car buyers across the UK to know it – and crucially, experience it – for themselves.”
The multiple Executive Car of the Year winner has played a crucial role in the business’s record-breaking sales in 2016, with almost 30,000 XEs making their way onto global driveways so far this year. The Autocar 2016 ‘Game Changer’ is fast approaching its 50th award, and was shortlisted for the coveted European Car of the Year award.
Already hailed as the best drivers’ car in its class, the updates to the XE for the 2017 model year have enhanced this further. It now comes with key specification additions; including an all-wheel drive (AWD) system, which is available to order on the 2.0-litre Ingenium 180PS diesel variant.
The AWD system enhances vehicle dynamics and improves traction, while Adaptive Surface Response (AdSR) optimises the AWD system by changing the powertrain and Dynamic Stability Control system mapping according to the conditions.
Jaguar’s advanced Lightweight Aluminium Architecture, and high-tech Ingenium engines, make the XE the most efficient non-hybrid car in its class with fuel economy of up to 75mpg and CO2 emissions as low as 99g/km. As well as its business-friendly emissions the XE also boasts the highest three-year/60,000-mile residual value* in the segment.
The 2017 model year XE also comes with a state-of-the-art InControl Touch Pro infotainment system with a 10.2-inch tablet-style touchscreen that offers intuitive operation, super-fast response times and intelligent navigation. The system offers a Wi-Fi hotspot for up to eight devices, and is compatible with an Apple Watch app, that offers remote functions including fuel level check, lock and unlock, and even remote engine starts.
The Jaguar XE is available to order now at Jaguar UK retailers priced from £26,990.00 on-the road (OTR) and can be configured to your preferred specification at: www.jaguar.co.uk
Find out where you can take on the Jaguar XE Challenge here: www.jaguar.co.uk/xechallenge
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