Οι εγγυητικές του πρίγκηπα στον ΠΑΟ για 70 εκ
20:01 21/10/2011
- Πηγή: Kafeneio-gr
Οι δύο εγγυητικές επιστολές από την τράπεζα HSBC, οι οποίες καλύπτουν το ποσό των 20 και 50 εκατομμυρίων ευρώ αντίστοιχα.
Date: (Day, Month, Year)To: PANATHINAIKOS F.C.Dear Sirs,This is to confirm that our Client, His Highness Prince Sultan bin Nasser bin A.R. Al Saud maintains bank accounts with us and is in good standing with our bank.At
his instructions, we, (bank name & address), with full authority and mandate hereby confirm that said Client is financially able to initiate the process of increasing the share capital of PANATHINAIKOS F.C.in the amount of Fifty Million Euro ( 50.000.000,00 Euro) during the next football year in Greece 2012-2013 according the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between His Highness Prince Sultan bin....
Nasser bin A.R. Al Saud and PANATHINAIKOS F.C. We, (client's bank), confirm our ability to hold the above amount on behalf of our Client and transfer the referenced amount per instructions of our Client. We certify that our Client, named above, has sufficient funds and/or credit facilities with our bank to complete the proposed transaction within the time period outlined in the above referenced MoU..Our Client hereby gives authority to PANATHINAIKOS F.C. to procure usual banker's references from our bank officer (full name of bank officer), whose direct phone number is ....................................................Yours sincerelyPERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No …..Date of issue
ToPANATHINAIKOS F.C. We have been informed that His Highness Prince Sultan bin Nasser bin A.R. Al Saud has entered into contract No ….. dated……. with you for the purchase of 54,7% of the share capital of the company.Furthermore, we understand that, according the conditions of the contract a Performance Guarantee is required.At the request of His Highness Prince Sultan bin Nasser bin A.R. Al Saud, we (bank name & address) hereby irrevocably undertake to pay to Panathinaikos F.C. a sum not exceeding the amount ofTWENTY MILLION EURO (20.000.000, 00 Euro)upon receipt of your first demand in writing and of your written statement stating that:His Highness Prince Sultan bin Nasser bin A.R. Al Saud has not fulfilled his obligation and he is in breach of the underlying contract.Your demand for payment must also be accompanied by the following documents:(Description of documents)This guarantee shall expire on ……………………. at the latest.Consequently, any demand for payment under this contract must be received at this office on or before this date.This Performance Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees ICC 458
Date: (Day, Month, Year)To: PANATHINAIKOS F.C.Dear Sirs,This is to confirm that our Client, His Highness Prince Sultan bin Nasser bin A.R. Al Saud maintains bank accounts with us and is in good standing with our bank.At
Nasser bin A.R. Al Saud and PANATHINAIKOS F.C. We, (client's bank), confirm our ability to hold the above amount on behalf of our Client and transfer the referenced amount per instructions of our Client. We certify that our Client, named above, has sufficient funds and/or credit facilities with our bank to complete the proposed transaction within the time period outlined in the above referenced MoU..Our Client hereby gives authority to PANATHINAIKOS F.C. to procure usual banker's references from our bank officer (full name of bank officer), whose direct phone number is ....................................................Yours sincerelyPERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No …..Date of issue
ToPANATHINAIKOS F.C. We have been informed that His Highness Prince Sultan bin Nasser bin A.R. Al Saud has entered into contract No ….. dated……. with you for the purchase of 54,7% of the share capital of the company.Furthermore, we understand that, according the conditions of the contract a Performance Guarantee is required.At the request of His Highness Prince Sultan bin Nasser bin A.R. Al Saud, we (bank name & address) hereby irrevocably undertake to pay to Panathinaikos F.C. a sum not exceeding the amount ofTWENTY MILLION EURO (20.000.000, 00 Euro)upon receipt of your first demand in writing and of your written statement stating that:His Highness Prince Sultan bin Nasser bin A.R. Al Saud has not fulfilled his obligation and he is in breach of the underlying contract.Your demand for payment must also be accompanied by the following documents:(Description of documents)This guarantee shall expire on ……………………. at the latest.Consequently, any demand for payment under this contract must be received at this office on or before this date.This Performance Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees ICC 458
παο, παναθηναικος, παο, τραπεζες, hsbc, date, panathinaikos, full, capital, euro, funds, time, phone, issue, performance, request, pay, sum, office, rules, icc, capital, hsbc, office, time, ευρω, phone, date, euro, full, icc, panathinaikos, pay, request, sum, rules, funds, τραπεζα, performance
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