Follow the Money…. συγγνωμη.. dates (λογοκεκριμένο)
18:05 21/11/2011
- Πηγή: Olympia
Από τον Πόρτα – ΠόρταΕκει στη Συγγρου ρε παλικάρια.. απο το 2010 εχετε μελετη.. ΔΙΚΟΥ ΣΑΣο οποιος εχει παρακολουθησει πολυ στενα τα CDS’s και τα spreads… τα εχει ΚΑΤΑΓΡΑΨΕΙ… και εχει γραψει και paper.. NAI ??? Δε μου λετε ρε παιδιά… ΓΙΑΤΙ δεν στηριξατε τον ΠΑΝΟ.. απο τοτε..?ενω ΚΑΙ γνωριζατε ΚΑΙ Παρακολουθουσατε τις εξελιξεις??Παρτε το Πινακακι ΣΑΣ… δικο σας ειναι… το ξεχασατε ??Box1. The Sovereign Debt
Crisis in Greece: Chronology of Events.23 December 2009: Parliament adopts the 2010 budget setting a general governmentdeficit target of 9.1 percent of GDP.15 January 2010: Government submits the updated stability programme (SP),projecting a reduction of the government deficit of 4 percentage points to 8.7 percentof GDP in 2010, and correction of the excessive deficit by 2012. The debt ratio wasprojected to peak at 121 percent of GDP in 2011.1 February 2010: 2-year bond spreads reach 347 basis points; 10-years bond spreadsreach 270 basis points.2 February 2010: Greece announces a set of measures in addition to those announcedin the SP (freezing wages and raising excises with the aim of reducing the governmentdeficit).3 February 2010: The Commission adopts (i) a proposal for a Council Decision, inview of the excessive deficit correction in Greece by 2012, (ii) a draft CouncilRecommendation with a view to ending the inconsistency with the broad guidelines ofthe economic policies, and (iii) a draft Council Opinion on the SP.16 February 2010: Council adopts the above-mentioned documents, after discussionin the Eurogroup.8 April 2010: 2-year bond spreads reach 652 basis points; 10-years bond spreadsreach 430 basis points.15 April 2010: Greece requests ‘discussions with the European Commission, the ECBand the IMF on a multi-year programme of economic policies (…) that could besupported with financial assistance, if the Greek authorities were to decide to requestsuch assistance.’23 April 2010: Greece requests financial assistance from the euro-area MemberStates and the IMF.27 April 2010: 2-year bond spreads reach 1552 basis points; 10-years bond spreadsreach 755 basis points.2 May 2010: Greece, the Commission, the ECB and IMF announce an agreement on athree-year programme of economic and financial policies. The Eurogroupunanimously agrees to activate stability support to Greece via bilateral loans centrallypooled by the European Commission6 May 2010: The Greek Parliament votes to accept a series of policy measuresincluded in the programme of economic and financial policies, including an increasein VAT and excises, as well as further reductions in public sector wages and pensions.6 May 2010: ECB adopts temporary measures relating to the eligibility of marketabledebt instruments issued or guaranteed by the Greek Government.7 May 2010: 2-year bond spreads reach 1739 basis points; 10-years bond spreadsreach 1287 basis points.7 May 2010: The Council adopts a Decision according to Articles 126(9) and 136 ofthe Treaty including the main conditions to be respect
συγγρου, μελετη, debt, parliament, budget, target, government, february, spreads, set, aim, view, iii, european, imf, greek, ecb, support, accept, series, public, sector, respect, ecb, imf, public, πορτα, συγγρου, accept, aim, budget, debt, euro, february, government, greek, μελετη, multi, parliament, respect, support, sector, series, set, spreads, target, view, european
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