Εconomic hit man
"economic hit man",
a person whose job is :
- to convince people to accept his economic claims to the long-term detriment of their country…
- to press a form of economic servitude on other countries, where their leaders are pressed to accept loans,
- engage in rapacious development (infrastructure etc)…spelling out the political consequences if the leaders try to assert independence….
Εδω ενα κομματι του Newsletter Ανοιξη 2006, Rockefeller Archive Center
Globalization is a term recently in vogue, yet it is old as an
historical process. In the collections of the Rockefeller Archive
Center it can be seen emerging by the last quarter of the 19th century
as John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil business expanded beyond the
United States. Early in the 20th century one can observe elements
of globalization through the records of the International Health Board
(1913-1928), which carried out widespread disease-control projects.
In the latter 20th century the currents of globalization are apparent
in the archives of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, particularly files of the
Fund’s “One World” program (1983-1998), which was aimed primarily at
promoting sustainable resource use and international security.
The Center has recognized the significance of globalization in its
collections by sponsoring two recent conferences on that topic:
“Philanthropic Foundations and the Globalization of Scientific Medicine
and Public Health,” and “Globalization,Philanthropy and Civil Society:Toward
a New Political Culture in the 21st Century.” The proceedings from the
latter meeting, edited by Soma Hewa and Darwin Stapleton, were published
by Springer in 2005; proceedings of the former conference are in progress.
Important roots of modern globalization are documented at the
Rockefeller Archive Center. Researchers should be aware of this aspect of the
Center’s collections that provides perspectives on current issues for
Darwin H. Stapleton, Executive Director
( http://www.rockarch.org/publications/newsletter/ )
για ριξτε μια ματια εδω… http://www.johnperkins.org/
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