What's in the Stars today, August 20?
You can mix salt and sugar together but ants know better and pick only the sugar grains. Choose the right people to have a sweet life!
Moon in Libra
It's summer and it's time for romance!
What with
Moon in Scorpio
Strong emotions, secrecy and hot passion!
At about half past twelve in the afternoon, the Moon enters the passionate sign of Scorpio and your soul dives into deeper waters. Strong persistence as well as primeval instincts and secret desires become the secret guides of your day. Your intuition is strong, passions and suspicions run wild and the intensity in people's eyes makes you feel that the only way for you is that of total conquest. Love is red hot, sex is passionate while a forbidden love can become the reason for you to feel that the way to paradise for the senses is through hell. Tyranny or sin; transformation or destruction; secret investigations or hard confrontation; jealousy or ecstasy.
You are lucky today if you are Libra, Aquarius or Gemini of the last days, or Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful day with a positive mood, strong will and determination!
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![Whats, Stars,August 20](https://images32.inewsgr.com/2208/22083596/Whats-in-the-Stars-today-August-20-1-160.jpg)
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