What's in the Stars today, December 24?
With the Moon in methodical and organised Virgo, you can stay assured that the celebrations will go smoothly as long as you remember that all it takes is method and system, not stress and toil.
Moon in Virgo
Christmas Eve! The parade of food, visits and Christmas customs begins tonight and culminates tomorrow
Mercury in Capricorn
Brevity is the soul of wit! Form today till 12th January, the planet of communication, learning and travelling will be in the house of cautious, sensible Saturn. The day favours brief, concise speech, discussions about business, state or social matters and contacts with older people, supervisors or officials. Travelling could be hampered due to snowfall and adverse weather conditions.
Sun sextile Neptune
Spirituality! The Sun – Neptune sextile gives a different spirit to these holy days that can emanate from the grace of god or love, from the sacred value of compassion, forgiveness, hope, prayer and spiritual quest. Activities that provide entertainment, elation and rejoicing are favoured.
Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, and Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer of the second half of the second decan and the first half of the third are favoured.
Have a wonderful Christmas Eve and remember that although we live in an imperfect world, there is so much we should be grateful for.
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