What's in the Stars today, December 28?
The Moon in Pisces in the morning encourages you to spend time lounging, sleeping and dreaming, meditating, and getting involved in spiritual activities, church events, prayers and hymn, music and love, relaxing escapes and expressions of love and happiness...
Moon in Pisces void
Last Sunday of the Year! The Moon in Pisces in the morning encourages you to spend time lounging, sleeping and dreaming, meditating, and getting involved in spiritual activities, church events, prayers and hymn, music and love, relaxing escapes and expressions of love and happiness. Leave for later things that require energy and movement and focus on resting your body and discharging your mind, as well as on whatever feeds your soul and refreshes and pleases you emotionally.
Moon in Aries
Fires of love and war, tension and victory! The Moon moves into Aries at 08:35 and indicates situations that ask that you are extrovert, bold and active but also that courtship and love are red hot! Your patience is not big today and it's possible that circumstances and people drive you mad. Don't drive too fast and in general, don't be in a hurry. Put all your energy in things that fill your day with enthusiasm, satisfaction, victory and vigour!
Moon waxing at 3º Aries
Be driven and forthright but at the same time stable and reliable! Beginning at 20:31 with the square between the Moon and combative Mars and the Sun in stern and demanding Capricorn, the lunar cycle is waxing for the next seven days. Therefore, the will for new steps and initiatives regarding mainly professional matters but also cases that call for organisation and reliable solutions becomes stronger and more concrete. However, since the Moon waxes on the cardinal cross, it's imperative that your actions are driven by enthusiasm. For them to be successful though they have to be up to scratch and be reliable over time.
You are favoured today if you are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Aquarius and Gemini of the first decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a wonderful Sunday if you deal with people, even argumentative and angry ones, with composure and you are open to things that boost and lift your mood.
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