What's in the Stars today, February 15?
The day is perfect for a new beginning through an open invitation or field of action.
Full Moon in Leo and Moon in Virgo
The day begins with the influence of the Full Moon in Leo favouring anything can fill your heart
Sun trine Mars
On the other hand, the positive aspect between the Sun and Mars that takes place early in the morning pushes you towards success, be that personal or romantic. This means that the day is perfect for a new beginning through an open invitation or field of action.
Sun conjunct Mercury
Finally, the Sun – Mercury conjunction that takes place just before half past ten at night indicates an inclination to give voice to something new, to show that you are a free spirit and to be altruistic. Get in touch with more people, visit a new venue, make new friends, escape the rules - especially the ones not imposed by you – and spend Saturday evening doing something you haven't done before!
Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, and Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio of the first decan are favoured today.
Have a wonderful Saturday! Don't bother looking for perfection, it doesn't exist. Fall in love with imperfections; they are indeed unique!
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![Whats, Stars,February 15](https://images32.inewsgr.com/1704/17044017/Whats-in-the-Stars-today-February-15-160.jpg)
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