What's in the Stars today, February 17?

The air element of Aquarius sign helps you to get in touch with friends, communities and groups of people, to meet new people and to promote reforms...

Moon in Aquarius

Focus on your intellect; the more you put

it into good use, the more you will benefit! With the Moon in the innovative and odd sign of Aquarius, today you want to make new plans, to get involved in modern ideas, to stress your intellect, to deal more with things that have to do with technology or computers, and also things that are different to your daily routine. The air element of the sign helps you to get in touch with friends, communities and groups of people, to meet new people and to promote reforms.

Aspects of the Moon

Some changes don't happen automatically; they take time! At 6:59 in the morning the Moon meets Mercury in a conjunction in progressive and open-minded Aquarius and you are encouraged to think more liberally or alternatively, to speak more freely, to make suggestions to others, to change your daily itinerary and, in general, to try something new in your contacts and movements or to do something that can bring a breath of fresh air to your day. At 9:16 the Moon meets Saturn and you should use your time wisely for anything new or a change you want to make, small or large, realising that no matter how badly you want it, it takes time to materialise.

Luck is particularly on your side if you are Aquarius, Gemini, Libra or Aries, Sagittarius of the first decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you an exciting day with surprises and special moments!

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