What's in the Stars today, January 25?
Today, with the Mercury-Saturn conjunction, you tend to be careful with what you say while a discussion, a meeting or contact may be postponed or cancelled.
Moon in Scorpio
The riches you're after are in your inner safe! The presence of the Moon in Pluto's house will give you the opportunity
Moon conjunct Saturn & square Mercury
At quarter to four in the afternoon the Moon meets Saturn and Mercury. Under the short term influence of these aspects you tend to deal with matters that require concentration, sobriety and scrutiny. You should however be cautious regarding contacts with women or people particularly strict or judgemental. In any case, remember that some people remain stuck in difficulties while others accept that they too are part of life and move on.
Mercury square Saturn
If someone has a different point of view, you find it enriching, not offending! Ideas that broaden your horizons face obstacles or come against people with an unyielding attitude. You tend to be careful with what you say while a discussion, a meeting or contact may be postponed or cancelled. Problems with electricity and transport are possible. A perfect day for meditation and reflection.
Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer born both at the end of the second decan and the third decan are lucky today.
Have a wonderful, unique weekend!
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