What's in the Stars today, January 8?
Today, you may show your gratefulness, put in a nice word for someone, receive a compliment or hear sweet talk, or maybe read a nice book.
Moon in Aries
In a belligerent mood! With the Moon in the house
The Moon's aspects
At twenty past three in the afternoon you're in the right mood for contacts with women and activities that have to do with beauty, money or romance. Try not to overdo it! Just before half past six in the evening with the Moon square Mercury, some people want to be first and will scream and shout if they aren't. 'His bark is worse than his bite' as they say...
Mercury conjunct Venus
Pleasant encounters! Today there are a lot of opportunities for social contacts. Moving about to buy goods, to take part in pleasant activities and to visit a beauty salon are favoured and so are romantic dates. You may show your gratefulness, put in a nice word for someone, receive a compliment or hear sweet talk, or maybe read a nice book.
Mars square Jupiter
Keep a tight rein on yourself! Influenced by tomorrow's Mars-Jupiter square you tend to act on an impulse as impatience mixes with over optimism. To avoid embarrassing yourself, offending someone or getting into an awkward position, be prudent and methodical!
Luck favours Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, and Libra, Gemini, Aquarius of the third decan.
Have a wonderful day encouraging yourself and everybody to do their best!
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- What's in the Stars today, January 8?
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