What's in the Stars today, July 10?

Don't get complacent in a cycle of stagnation and inactivity. Consciously devote your time to things that make you feel productive, cheerful and truly happy

Surviving is good, but living a full life is great. Don't be afraid of happiness. This is what life is about. You were born to be happy!

Moon in Taurus

A day full

of opportunities for joy! Enjoy it! With the transiting Moon in the strong-minded sign of Taurus the day begins with a feeling of strength that enables you to do things your way. Good planning, pragmatism and perseverance will help you when it comes to professional and financial issues as well as in love. At the same time, there is a strong feeling that you don't just want to exist but to live, enjoy and savour every moment. So, don't get complacent in a cycle of stagnation and inactivity. Consciously devote your time to things that make you feel productive, cheerful and truly happy.

Today's aspects of the Moon

The day gives a nod to beauty, satisfaction and love. Do you? The sextile of the Moon to Mars gives you the opportunity to make the necessary steps and take the initiative in order to improve your relationship, home, work and day. After that, the Moon meets Neptune indicating that it will also do you good to engage in things that inspire you professionally or romantically, in any area really. Finally, today the Moon trines Pluto and that means that passion awakes like a volcano while the night becomes very powerful and sensual immersing you into absolute pleasure. Have a good time!

You are lucky today if you are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn of the first and second decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful Friday. Remember that a lot of things, such as love, laughter, a walk on the beach, a sunny morning, not only do they cost nothing they can also give you genuine joy.

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