What's in the Stars today, June 30?
Don't waste the day with inactivity and idleness – seize every opportunity to improve the day and your life in general. When it comes to love, you will be able to tell if someone is good for you by their sense of humour
Enjoy your life now – it’s the only one you have…
Sun and Mars in Cancer
Leave worry, drama and stress behind! The first month of the summer has reached its end and although the period of constant alternation between optimism and pessimism continues, with the positive and fiery Moon in Sagittarius you feel that you should not let anything spoil your mood. On the contrary, you feel that happiness in life is reached by your behaviour, attitude and actions. Don't waste the day with inactivity and idleness – seize every opportunity to improve the day and your life in general. When it comes to love, you will be able to tell if someone is good for you by their sense of humour.
Venus in applying conjunction to Jupiter at 21º Leo
You are lucky in love and money! Use it! With the positive aspect between Venus and Jupiter, you feel that the most foolish attitude is to get sore about things when thanks to pleasant events you will have the chance to feel proud, optimistic and strong. Doors open in your relationships and financial matters as well as in any area of your life, which will enable you to overcome obstacles and see life from an optimistic perspective, lighting the spark of vitality, determination and joy.
The positive aspect of Venus and Jupiter affects you more if you are Leo, Sagittarius, or Aries born at the end of the second and the beginning of the third decan. Also, if your Ascendant or any planets are at 18º and 24º of these signs.
You are lucky today if you are Sagittarius, Aries or Leo of the second and third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day leaving behind the things that don't matter and focusing on whatever allows you to make your day more positive and pleasant!
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![Whats, Stars,June 30](https://images32.inewsgr.com/2168/21682906/Whats-in-the-Stars-today-June-30-1-160.jpg)
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