What's in the Stars today, June 7?
Surrender to the upbeat tempo of the day and you can be sure that the universe will present it to you in a most special and unexpected way
The greatest freedom is the realisation that you don't have to be loved by everyone! Coming out of the prison of approval you begin to love yourself more.
Moon in Aquarius
Wonderful things can happen and they do happen when you least expect them to! Things that happen suddenly, unexpectedly, out of the blue are often sweeter than the things we expect to happen, and today's Moon in Aquarius is on a mission to surprise you bringing something you haven't anticipated. What is that? Don't set about looking for it. Surrender to the upbeat tempo of the day and you can be sure that the universe will present it to you in a most special and unexpected way.
Aspects of the Moon
All you have to do is be yourself; besides all other parts have been taken! These days everything moves so fast and especially today with the Moon meeting the Sun in Jupiter, not only do you find it difficult to hit the brakes, but also the greater the speed the bigger the attraction you feel and the interest they stimulate. Suggestions, contacts, moving about, courtship and activities with your friends will offer you unexpected satisfaction and also will activate your intellect and your gift of the gab as indicated by the Moon – Mars trine. At the forefront there will be new unexpected contacts, love at first sight, surprising gifts and unforeseen joy as is guaranteed by the Moon – Uranus sextile, and they will bring you a wonderful day.
You are lucky today if you are Aquarius, Libra, Gemini and Sagittarius or Leo of the second and third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day with incredibly beautiful emotions and lots of special moments!
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