What's in the Stars today, June 8?
Don't give up and don't lose yourself in utopian musings of how things should be. Accept the day for what it is. Laugh when you can and cry when you need to...
When you are able to smile, the future offers limitless potential. Have a great week!
Moon in Aquarius – Moon
Start the new week counting your blessings – not your problems! The week begins with the morning favouring changes and experimentation. At 11:16, the Moon enters hazy Pisces and will form unfavourable aspects with Mercury in Gemini bringing confusion, hectic situations and a lot of palaver. It also forms negative aspects with retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius stressing you out with unfinished business and concerns that you would gladly leave for another day if it was up to you. What all that leads to? The usual madness that seems to follow you everywhere these days is back with a vengeance. Don't give up and don't lose yourself in utopian musings of how things should be. Accept the day for what it is. Laugh when you can and cry when you need to. Seek the good, forgive, understand and don't jump to conclusions.
Sun and Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter and Uranus respectively
The most exciting things happen unexpectedly and out of the blue! Don't judge the day before it's over – this is one of these days when the best things come either when no one expects them, or when you can't tell that you will discover something good before the day is over. Life is exciting and full of surprises. These days the universe opens the gates of happiness in a positive and unforeseen way. Promote your ideas and follow your dreams, especially the ones that involve movement, sport, learning, the intellect and information. Get ready for things and circumstances that can put a smile on your face out of the blue. A better future is up to you!
You are particularly influenced by these favourable aspects if you are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius or Sagittarius, Aries and Leo of the second decan.
You are lucky today if you are Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day. Don't let confusion and uncertainty stop you from taking advantage of every opportunity to improve your life.
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![Whats, Stars,June 8](https://images32.inewsgr.com/2148/21485509/Whats-in-the-Stars-today-June-8-1-160.jpg)
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