What's in the Stars today, May 4?

Remain grounded and realistic and you will enjoy the positive opportunities of the day in the best possible way.

Find your wings inside yourself and like an eagle fly away from the fear and pain that darkness brings.

Full Moon at 13° Scorpio

Don't give up on your

deepest desires! Someone with passion is more powerful than someone with all the right credentials. The first week of May beats to the tune of the powerful energy of the Full Moon that takes place today at 13° of Scorpio. Very prominent today are financial matters, claims, relationships, partnerships and love stories with secret demands, jealousy, fears and regenerative pursuits. The retrograde motion of Pluto in Capricorn, ruler of today's Moon, indicates a time for reviews, revisions, investigations and replacements which target prestige, authority, recognition and development. Shaking off the fear and a strong will to achieve your wishes will prove to be the key to many things.

Sun in Taurus square Jupiter in Leo

Enjoy and have a good time without losing the sense of proportion! Today, events and circumstances in your personal and professional life but in any area indeed, make you positive and optimistic. Meanwhile, food, love, music, and the countryside attract you, so you may get carried away and become idle and sluggish towards work and action. Don't overdo it in any area, and avoid inflexibility, jealousy, and expressions of fanaticism. Remain grounded and realistic and you will enjoy the positive opportunities of the day in the best possible way.
The SunJupiter aspect affects you even more if you are Taurus, Leo, Aquarius or Scorpio of the second decan. Also, if your Ascendant or personal planets are in these signs between 10° and 16°.

Luck is particularly on your side if you are Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer or Capricorn, Virgo of the second decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you an active week full of passion and love during which you will be able to awaken hidden potential in your life.

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