What's in the Stars today, November 15?
In the afternoon when the Moon is in aspect with nebulous and chaotic Neptune, trouble is foreseen and you'd better avoid practicalities. Concentrate instead on what's good for your spirit, your soul and your mood...
Moon in Leo
Laugh, live, love! The day begins with the warm-hearted and confident Moon in Leo encouraging
Moon in Virgo
Put the chaos in order and then do what you like! At 09:08 the Moon moves into practical and cleanliness freak Virgo; even if you don't tidy up your house or your space, you will need to sort out your thoughts, emotions, or anything for that matter. However, in the afternoon when the Moon is in a challenging aspect with nebulous and chaotic Neptune, trouble is foreseen and you'd better avoid practicalities. Concentrate instead on what's good for your spirit, your soul and your mood.
Mercury in applying sextile to Pluto
There's a solution to everything! Resourceful Mercury in Scorpio hates words such as "impossible" and "unfeasible." The positive aspect it forms with mighty Pluto stresses its perseverance, intuition and efficiency. These days you may find exceptionally powerful answers regarding sex and romance as well as issues that can transform your life.
Luck is particularly on your side if you are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio, Pisces of the first decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a great Saturday if you can spend it with people that love you, make you happy and help you become a better person.
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