What's in the Stars today, November 9?
Today the Venus – Jupiter square offers opportunities for gifts, delight and pleasure leaving however a lot of room for excess...
Moon in Gemini
Carefree, breezy, cheerful moments! With the Moon transiting
Venus square Jupiter
Avoid excess! Today the Venus – Jupiter square offers opportunities for gifts, delight and pleasure leaving however a lot of room for excess. So, don't let yourself go completely when it comes to love, or anything for that matter, because you may end up hurt.
Mercury in Scorpio 9-28/11
Days indelibly printed! Today, the 9th November 2014, Mercury - the planet of learning and communication – moves into Scorpio where it was from 28/9 to 10/10 before it turned retrograde. Contacts, discussions or travelling regarding finances, love or matters linked to your deep desires and which had maybe taken place back then, can now move on and shape your fate. Investigations that require in-depth searching are favoured.
Luck is on your side if you are Gemini, Aquarius or Libra of the second and third decans.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful, cheerful and happy Sunday!
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