What's in the Stars today, October 21?
From today until 11th November, be cautious with contracts, decisions and deals, and if you forget, confuse or misunderstand things, you know who's to blame: retrograde Mercury
Moon in Taurus
Love and money! The week begins with the Moon in the home of Venus focusing on romantic and financial matters. The purchase of
Moon in Gemini
Chatterbox! At about quarter past seven in the evening the Moon enters Gemini and the desire for communication becomes urgent. Phone calls, outings, and contacts with neighbours, siblings, and people close to you are favoured while at the same time there is a mood for flirting and dating.
Mercury retrograde
Mixed up! From today onwards you should be careful because Mercury becomes retrograde. Until 11th November, be cautious with contracts, decisions and deals, and if you forget, confuse or misunderstand things, you know who's to blame: retrograde Mercury. Problems with PCs, emails, messages, orders, meetings and vehicles prevail. You may have to deal with errors and omissions, as well as revisions and reviews regarding loans, mortgages, and auctions, insurance premiums and all sorts of financial issues.
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn born within the last days of the thirds decan are lucky today: the time is right to install or maintain machinery, for example a boiler or a lift, and also to establish a relationship of trust and credibility.
Have a wonderful week starting your day with a cheerful greeting and a warm smile!
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