What's in the Stars today, October 3?
If there is something that has upset you in connection with a friend, associate, your partner or anyone really, you can't avoid it anymore; you've got to deal with it...
Moon in Capricorn
Set some goals and a vision! Early in the morning the Moon is in Capricorn, a sign that loves peaks, so you should aspire to
Moon moves into Aquarius at 10:59
Make or consider interesting suggestions! Just before 11 o'clock, the Moon enters sociable and unpredictable Aquarius and the atmosphere is right for contacts with friends, participation in collective activities, escaping routine and seeing certain situations or people from a different angle.
Sun in applying square to Pluto
You may push away things that bother you but you can't escape them! The Sun in an applying square to Pluto sets in motion a T-square with the Sun, Pluto and Uranus which will be active until the middle of next week. If there is something that has upset you in connection with a friend, associate, your partner or anyone really, you can't avoid it anymore; you've got to deal with it.
Luck is more on your side if you are Aquarius, Gemini or Libra of the first decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, today is the perfect day to create new and original combinations in everything – from your clothes to your daily activities!
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