What's in the Stars today, October 5?
In the afternoon the Moon moves into the sign of Pisces and you are in touch with the most beautiful, tempting and colourful part of life!
Moon in Aquarius
Instead of fighting the old, create something new! The first Sunday of October begins with the Moon
Moon in Pisces
Feel the magic of the moment! At 12:24 in the afternoon the Moon moves into the sign of Pisces and you are in touch with the most beautiful, tempting and colourful part of life! Open your heart, your mind and your soul and enjoy it!
Mars trine Uranus
Unexpected but positive changes! Alongside the disharmonious Sun–Uranus–Pluto T-square, there is a Grand Trine with Mars, Jupiter and Uranus in fire signs whose influence lasts until 10th October getting more powerful from today onwards when Mars trines Uranus. Practically, this means that in these adverse times, the universe is helping you to take the steps and make the decisions that can improve your life. Be bold, act, claim and the universe will respond positively.
You are particularly influenced by the positive Mars-Uranus aspect if you are Sagittarius, Leo, Aries born in the middle of the second decan or if your ascendant and personal planets are in a fire sign between the 13th and 17th degrees.
Luck is on your side today, if you are Aquarius, Gemini or Libra of the third decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, put your fears aside and take advantage of every opportunity for a new and better life!
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