What's in the Stars today, September 18?
Your more sensitive, tender and romantic self is accentuated and what defines the day is how you feel not what you think...
Moon in Cancer
Emotions set the rules! The day begins with a "homey" Moon in Cancer and you are inclined to spend your time on activities you can carry out at home
Aspects of the Moon
In the early morning you can occupy yourself with things that stand the test of time and are not ephemeral. In the afternoon the challenging aspect of the Moon with Mercury indicates insecurity and/or complaints regarding travelling or agreements while the favourable aspect with the Sun in the evening ends the day in a nice way and you can enjoy love, the warmth of your home, good home-made food, and do things that bring love and warmth to your daily routine.
You are lucky today if you are Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces of the second or third decan.
Irrespective of sign, dear astrology.gr friend, you can enjoy a beautiful day if you get in touch with your feelings, are not afraid to open your arms to someone you've missed, to say "I love you" or "thank you" but at the same time don't let people play with your feelings.
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