4 Jobs at Betologic
17:46 17/12/2013
- Πηγή: OnlyCY
1. SQL Developer
Company name:www.betologic.comAddress:NicosiaTown:NicosiaPhone:0035722251685Mobile:N/AFax:N/AContact person:TasosE-mail address:careers@betologic.comPosition details:Job title :SQL DeveloperJob description:Betologic is looking to hire two Senior sql developers who will manage, develop, optimize and maintaindatabases, queries and sql views
broad range of core concepts related to the development of sql queries, stored procedures, triggers, cluding distributed environments, scalability, concurrency problems
and resolutions, and optimum utilization of resources for enhancing the performance of the system.
This candidate will be responsible for the management and maintenance of databases of significant
and strategic impact across the enterprise.Number of persons required:2Qualifications required:- Bachelors degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or related major.
- More than 2 years as SQL Server developer- must have hands on experience in sql related
- Working experience with SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008
- Performance Tuning, Backup recovery, replication, administration etc
- Experience with Windows Operating Systems & Web servers.
- Experience providing technical advice and guidance to colleagues.
- Good English communication and cross-group collaboration skills
- Ability to understand and integrate new technologies.
- Ability to work effectively in a team environment.
- Ability to multitask, troubleshoot and resolve problemsOther requirements:The position requires ability to find methods to optimize current software systems and techniques
and also, working closely with staff to assess needs, communicate project status, and determine
effectiveness and productivity of solutions implemented. The position also provides optimal room
for advancement and unlimited potential for career development. Betologic is fast growing and
interested in the growth and success of its employees.
To apply: Send CV to careers@betologic.comLocation(s):NicosiaEmployment conditions:Full Time
2. Senior Web Developer (ASP.NET, HTML5, Javascript) (2 positions)
Company name:www.betologic.comAddress:engomiTown:NicosiaPhone:0035722251685Mobile:N/AFax:N/AContact person:mariosE-mail address:careers@betologic.comPosition details:Job title :Senior Web Developer (ASP.NET, HTML5, Javascript)Job description:betologic is seeking for two (2) Senior Web Developers (.NET C#) to design and develop complex web sites including public-facing web pages, back-end relational databases and web-based administrative applications.Number of persons required:2Qualifications required:Minimum Requirements:- Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or related major.
- At least 2 years of related work experience in .NET environment with a proven track record in designing, developing, documenting, and delivering high-performance, reliable, reusable extensible, and maintainable technical solutions
- Strong knowledge of ASP.NET and javascript.
- Experience providing technical advice and guidance to colleagues.
- Good English communication and cross-group collaboration skills
- Ability to understand and integrate new technologies.
- Ability to work effectively in a team environment.
- Ability to multitask, troubleshoot and resolve problems.
The following will be considered an advantage
- Experience with caching, concurrency, distributed technologies and multithreading.
- ASP.NET (MVC), C#.NET and jquery
- Experience with Windows Operating Systems & Web servers.
- Experience with SQL (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server or oracle), store procedures, triggers, user defined functions
- Experience with web development applications, preferably VisualStudio 2010.Other requirements:This position provides optimal room for advancement and unlimited potential for career development. betologic is fast growing and interested in the growth and success of its employees.
To apply: Send CV to careers@betologic.com
For more information, visit www.betologic.comLocation(s):NicosiaEmployment conditions:Full Time
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