Vacancy for Architect
Vacancy for Architect (Paphos)
• Prepare and facilitate project design anchor planning meetings bringing together all relevant actors in the initiation of a design project.
• Prepare conceptual drawings.
• Prepare a design schedule for cases of gradual release of drawings.
• Prepare full
• Ensure that designs are prepared according to company best practice guide and in particular that they are compliant to Design for Construction and Quality (DfCQ).
• Provide conceptual sketches, agree with the planning dept, and subsequently implement alternative client options and possible extras in compliance with the Design Brief.
• Examine means of expediting the response to customer extras and bespoke features.
• Schedule overall design work according to the new project introduction dates provided by the Planning dept.
• Monitor the introduction of new materials and fittings from various suppliers and assess appropriateness for use in designs, always in compliance with the Design Brief.
• Monitor and evaluate new construction technologies vis-à-vis their implications towards enabling interesting design features in a cost effective manner.
• Monitor design completion times and response times to urgent requests.
Qualifications required:
• University Degree in Architecture
• MBA or Masters degree in relevant subject
• 6 plus year’s relevant experience.
• Multi country project experience is an additional benefit
• Fluency in both Greek and English languages both written and oral
• Excellent Computer Skills, MS Office, Internet & Outlook Express
• Must be analytical and have attention to detail
• Ability to manage multiple tasks and deliver successfully under pressure
In return we offer an attractive remuneration package, outstanding benefits and a supportive environment that encourages professional development and advanced opportunities.
The Human Resources Department
- Δημοφιλέστερες Ειδήσεις Κατηγορίας Ειδήσεις
- ΠΝΟ: Σαρανταοκτάωρη απεργία στα περισσότερα λιμάνια
- Ηττηθήκαμε κατά κράτος από την Κυβέρνηση και... έπονται και χειρότερα;
- Απολύσεις στο Δημόσιο 103 χρόνια μετά
- Εσπευσμένα στο νοσοκομείο ο Κώστας Κρομμύδας
- Ανοίγουν τα φαρμακεία. Η απεργία διαρκείας γίνεται στάση εργασίας
- Πυροβολούσαν για πλάκα ένα δέντρο ώσπου αυτό τους εκδικήθηκε
- Μανιτάκης: Πολιτική - κοινοβουλευτική ταπείνωση του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ η πρόταση μομφής
- Άμεση υπογραφή νέων συμβάσεων στον ΕΟΠΥΥ ζητούν οι γιατροί
- Ζευγάρι η Παναγιώτα Βλαντή και ο Δάνης Κατρανίδης
- Δημοφιλέστερες Ειδήσεις OnlyCY

- Τελευταία Νέα OnlyCY
- Vacancy for Architect
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