Διευθυντικές Θέσεις σε Licensed Binary Options Trading Company
14:02 12/12/2013
- Πηγή: OnlyCY
Διευθυντικές Θέσεις σε Licensed Binary Options Trading Company
1. Executive Director
Company name:Licensed Binary Options Trading CompanyAddress:Our client, a Licensed Binary Options Trading Company, with operations in Cyprus is seeking to employ a motivated and enthusiastic Executive•General day to day management of the office
•Overall responsibility for proper implementation of the relevant Laws/regulations
•Assessment/Review of the effectiveness of internal policies and procedures
•Implement Board decisions
•Monitoring the Company’s capital adequacy
•Monitoring the Risk Management function
•Establishment of internal procedures in relation to Money Laundering function
•Implement strategies to enable/improve the internal audit mechanism
•Approve the Company’s financial statements
•Submission of all regulatory reports to CySEC
•Perform all other tasks, duties and responsibilities as set out in the Company’s internal policies
•Able to support the Compliance and/or Technical Support DepartmentsNumber of persons required:1Qualifications required:Requirements:
•University Degree in (Accounting/Finance/Economics/Business Management)
•MBA will be considered as an advantage
•Minimum 3 years experience in the Forex/Binary Industry required
•Fluency in both English & Greek (Verbal & Written)
•Computer literate
•Excellent organizational & communication skillsOther requirements:Benefits
•An attractive package of remuneration depending on experience and qualifications
•Opportunity for self-development
•Excellent working environmentAll applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.
For furtehr information please contact:
Ms Marina Sevastidou
HR Assistant
K. Treppides & Co Ltd
Tel: 22678944Location(s):LimassolEmployment conditions:Full Time
2. CFO
Company name:Licensed Binary Options Trading CompanyAddress:Our client, a Licensed Binary Options Trading Company, with operations in Cyprus is seeking to employ a motivated and enthusiastic CFO to join their team and become part of its dynamic growth.Town:LimassolPhone:22678944Mobile:N/AFax:22681887Contact person:Ms Marina SevastidouE-mail address:msevastidou@treppides.comPosition details:Job title :CFOJob description:Duties and responsibilities:•Financial Management and Treasury Management of the Company’s
Accounts, including but not limited to Cash Flow Management, Multicurrency
accounts management etc.
•Day to day management, preparation and submission to Cysec of all reports the Company is required to provide.
•Recording and Reporting of the transactions regarding the Company’s Trading Book.
•Organization of the record keeping required by the legislation and regulation including safeguarding customer’ funds and third party assets.
•Monitoring of company capital adequacy
•Responsibility for payroll, taxes and payments to the Company creditors.
•Preparation of the annual financial statements in accordance with International Accounting Standards including cooperation with the external auditors
•Support in accounting, taxation and financial matters to the Company’s
•Liaising with the Company’s Bankers
•Risk management and company hedging policiesNumber of persons required:1Qualifications required:Requirements:
•University Degree in (Accounting/Finance/Economics)
•MBA will be considered as an advantage
•Minimum 3 years experience in the Forex Industry required
•Fluency in both English & Greek (Verbal & Written)
•Computer literate
•Excellent organizational & communication skills
•Friendly & Pleasant personalityOther requirements:Benefits
•An attractive package of remuneration will be offered to the successful candidate
All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.
For further information please contact:
Ms Marina Sevastidou
HR Assistant
K. Treppides & Co Ltd
Tel: 22678944Location(s):LimassolEmployment conditions:Full Time
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