Opinion: The Unpredictable Turns of Politics and Tsipras's Role in SYRIZA's Future
One of the most intriguing aspects of politics is its unpredictability.
In an instant, a politician can go from a position of stability to finding themselves backed into a corner. This is exactly what has happened to Alexis Tsipras. Enjoying his holidays without concern,
Mr. Tsipras suddenly faces a critical decision following the unexpected resignation of Othon Iliopoulos. This development forces him to
The resignation of Othon Iliopoulos took place ten days ago.
Since then, 18 Syriza MPs and several regional committees have publicly called for the resignation of the next candidates on the party's list (Tsapanidou, Kalogirou, Leivadarou, Tsakris, and Lalis) in favor of the party leader, so that he may enter Parliament.
While these statements have created a certain atmosphere, they haven't produced any concrete political outcomes. Such an outcome could only be achieved through a clear stance from Alexis Tsipras.
Firstly, because all the candidates on the list were his personal choices. Secondly, because the first in line, Popi Tsapanidou, is not just any candidate but a close associate of his. Thirdly, as a former leader and current Syriza MP, Tsipras knows that none of the candidates on the list, who are now vying for Iliopoulos's seat, have taken any significant opposition actions since the national elections.
The challenge for Mr. Tsipras is even greater for another reason: he has remained silent for an entire year, has taken no parliamentary initiatives, and the word “Syriza” has not been heard from his lips for months.
The question is simple and inevitable after Mr. Iliopoulos's resignation: Does Tsipras want Kasselakis in Parliament or not? And by extension, does he support him as SYRIZA's leader, a position he was elected to a year ago through a grassroots vote?
It is clear that the former prime minister cannot hide behind Popi Tsapanidou, as her decision will directly reflect his own. Even more so, he cannot hide behind the choice of Zorzeta Lalis, a candidate who switched to the New Left two days before Euclid Tsakalotos did.
Ms. Tsapanidou's "political" argument is, "I will take the seat to keep it in SYRIZA; otherwise, Lalis might take it and give it to the New Left."
This is a weak political argument for Mr. Tsipras to remain silent behind.
As the one who formed the party's list, Mr. Tsipras cannot avoid taking a position, and his silence amounts to a direct challenge to Mr. Kasselakis.
While this challenge is entirely legitimate, he must have the courage to take responsibility for it. If Tsipras speaks out and asks the candidates on the list to step aside in favor of the party leader, it is certain that neither Tsapanidou nor Kalogirou will take the seat.
The same is likely true for Leivadarou and Tsakris.
If Lalis refuses to do the same, offering the seat to the New Left, no one could accuse Tsipras of undermining the party. On the contrary, he would have taken a decisive step toward resolving Syriza’s internal crisis. And at this moment, that counts for far more than one less seat in Parliament, which changes nothing in the broader parliamentary landscape.
As for Zorzeta Lalis, with her extensive background that includes overseeing the Task Force office during the Troika's memorandum era, it is certain that a clear statement from Mr. Tsipras might not prevent her from taking the seat, but it would certainly make it more difficult for her to hand it over to the New Left with its 2.4% support.
After such a low result in the European elections—another "sad day" for Lalis, following Mr. Kasselakis's election as SYRIZA leader—the New Left will have to decide whether to accept a non-elected Syriza candidate into its ranks, facing direct opposition from the former prime minister, under whom many of its current MPs served as ministers.
In conclusion, with Parliament resuming after the summer break, even if Alexis Tsipras doesn't appear on the parliamentary benches, he will be the key player in the upcoming internal developments within Syriza, which promise to be tumultuous
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