Turkish National Wanted for Organized Crime Arrested, Released Pending Extradition Decision

Greek authorities have arrested a 46-year-old Turkish national wanted in Turkey for alleged involvement in organized crime and drug trafficking.

The man, who holds a temporary residence permit as an asylum seeker in Greece, was apprehended during a routine police check on Monastiriou Street.

His identity was flagged during the check, revealing an Interpol

red notice for his arrest. The Division for Organized Crime in Northern Greece subsequently took him into custody.

Despite a request for extradition from the Turkish government, the Thessaloniki Court of Appeals Prosecutor ordered the man's release pending a final decision by the Council of Appeals Judges. He is currently subject to restrictive measures, including bi-monthly appearances at the local police station and a ban on leaving Greece.

This case underscores the complex legal considerations faced by Greek authorities when balancing international cooperation in criminal matters with the protection afforded to asylum seekers under international law.

The Council of Appeals Judges will ultimately determine whether the man will be extradited to Turkey to face charges.

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Turkish National Wanted,Organized Crime Arrested Released Pending Extradition Decision