Δωρεάν υποτροφίες σε χώρες του εξωτερικού
11:38 9/3/2018
- Πηγή: Alfa Vita
Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, πατήστε πάνω στους σχετικούς συνδέσμουςΕπιστήμες Μηχανικών (10 θέσεις)
1Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI)The University of QueenslandAustraliaDeadLine : 23 Mar 20182Research Fellow (Bioinformatics)Monash University (Australia) · Department of Anatomy and DevelopmentalΕπιστήμες Πληροφορικής (9 θέσεις)
1PostDoc Assistant (tenure track) - Faculty of Technical SciencesAlpen-Adria-Universität KlagenfurtAustria, Klagenfurt am WörtherseeDeadLine : 4/4/20182PhD student - Department of SurgeryGhent UniversityGent, BelgiumDeadLine : Jul 153PhD position - New wake up radio for an energy efficient integration of interacting IoTs in Cyber-Physical SystemsCEA TechGrenoble, France4PhD position - Secure implementation of stream ciphersCEA TechGrenoble, France5PhD Scholarship on genetically guided drug developmentUniversity of GroningenNetherlandsDeadLine : 28/3/20186Postdoc: Responsible Collection and Analysis of Personal Data for Justice and SecurityDelft University of Technology (TU Delft)NetherlandsDeadLine : 19/3/201872 Postdoctoral Researchers in Neuroscience - NeuroimagingUppsala UniversitySweden, UppsalaDeadLine : 15/4/20188Research Fellow in Future CitiesUniversity of SouthamptonUnited KingdomDeadLine : 19 Mar 20189Senior Research Fellow / Senior Research Software Engineer in Lower-Middle Income Country Prosthetics DatabasesUniversity of SouthamptonUnited KingdomDeadLine : 07 Apr 2018Οικονομικές Επιστήμες (2 θέσεις)
1UNU-WIDER Visiting PhD FellowshipUnited Nations UniversityFinlandDeadLine : 31/3/20182Post-doc in Economics (M/F)The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, University of LuxembourgLuxembourgDeadLine : 15 April 2018Επιστήμες Επικοινωνίας (3 θέσεις)
1PhD Position on ‘Contemporary political satire: The effects of satiric news’Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 30/4/20182PhD Position on ‘Contemporary Political Satire: The language of Satiric News’Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 30/4/20183PhD Position in Organization SciencesVrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 8/4/2018Νομική Επιστήμη (3 θέσεις)
1Research Fellows in Law (Somalia Project)Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of LawGermanyDeadLine : 1/4/20182Postdoctoral Researcher in Human Rights with a Focus on Memory LawsT.M.C. Asser InstituutNetherlandsDeadLine : 14/5/20183Postdoc: Responsible Collection and Analysis of Personal Data for Justice and SecurityDelft University of Technology (TU Delft)NetherlandsDeadLine : 19/3/2018Επιστήμες Ζωής (6 θέσεις)
1Research Fellow (Bioinformatics)Monash University (Australia) · Department of Anatomy and Developmental BiologyAustralia, MelbourneDeadLine : 8/4/20182PostDoc Position in AutoimmunityUniversity of BaselBasel, Switzerland3Ph.D. position in Experimental ImmunologyUniversity of BaselBasel, Switzerland4Postdoc in Developmental Vascular BiologyAlberta Children's Hospital Research Institute and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of CalgaryCanadaDeadLine : 31 May 20185PhD student - Department of SurgeryGhent UniversityGent, BelgiumDeadLine : Jul 156Postdoctoral position: Tumor Immunology and Cancer ImmunotherapyVIBLeuven, BelgiumΓεωπονικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)
1Teagasc Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 - Agri-environmental science, agronomyTeagascWexford, IRELANDDeadLine : 30 Mar 2018Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες (4 θέσεις)
1Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI)The University of QueenslandAustraliaDeadLine : 23 Mar 20182UNU-WIDER Visiting PhD FellowshipUnited Nations UniversityFinlandDeadLine : 31/3/20183Postdoc Researcher – Learning Analytics, Incentives and Decision-Making in EducationVrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 29/3/20184PhD Position in Organization SciencesVrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 8/4/2018Πολιτικές Επιστήμες (3 θέσεις)
1Postdoctoral Researcher in Human Rights with a Focus on Memory LawsT.M.C. Asser InstituutNetherlandsDeadLine : 14/5/20182PhD Position on ‘Contemporary political satire: The effects of satiric news’Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 30/4/20183PhD Position on ‘Contemporary Political Satire: The language of Satiric News’Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 30/4/2018Θετικές Επιστήμες (12 θέσεις)
1PhD fellowship, Fundamental MathematicsUniversity of AntwerpAntwerpen, BelgiumDeadLine : May 152Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Quantum Causal RelationsThe University of QueenslandAustraliaDeadLine : 21 Mar 20183Research Fellow (Bioinformatics)Monash University (Australia) · Department of Anatomy and Developmental BiologyAustralia, MelbourneDeadLine : 8/4/20184PostDoc Assistant (tenure track) - Faculty of Technical SciencesAlpen-Adria-Universität KlagenfurtAustria, Klagenfurt am WörtherseeDeadLine : 4/4/20185Ph.D. position in Experimental ImmunologyUniversity of BaselBasel, Switzerland6PhD - R&D Position in Plastics Processing and Materials Science (100%)School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg - HEIA-FRFribourg, SwitzerlandDeadLine : Apr 037PhD student - Department of SurgeryGhent UniversityGent, BelgiumDeadLine : Jul 158PhD position - Spalling of thin films: study and applicationsCEA TechGrenoble, France9PhD position - Optimal Battery Management Algorithms for Switched Cell Architecture SystemsCEA TechGrenoble, France10PhD position - Secure implementation of stream ciphersCEA TechGrenoble, France11PhD position - High voltage PV power plantCEA TechGrenoble, France12PhD position - New wake up radio for an energy efficient integration of interacting IoTs in Cyber-Physical SystemsCEA TechGrenoble, FranceΠαιδαγωγικές Επιστήμες (3 θέσεις)
1PostDoc Assistant (tenure track) - Faculty of Technical SciencesAlpen-Adria-Universität KlagenfurtAustria, Klagenfurt am WörtherseeDeadLine : 4/4/20182Postdoc Researcher – Learning Analytics, Incentives and Decision-Making in EducationVrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 29/3/20183Postdoc Researcher – Learning Analytics, Incentives and Decision-Making in EducationVrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 29/3/2018Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες (7 θέσεις)
1Postdoc Researcher – Learning Analytics, Incentives and Decision-Making in EducationVrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 29/3/20182Postdoc: Responsible Collection and Analysis of Personal Data for Justice and SecurityDelft University of Technology (TU Delft)NetherlandsDeadLine : 19/3/20183PhD Position on ‘Contemporary political satire: The effects of satiric news’Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 30/4/20184Postdoc Researcher – Learning Analytics, Incentives and Decision-Making in EducationVrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 29/3/20185PhD Position on ‘Contemporary Political Satire: The language of Satiric News’Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 30/4/20186PhD position 'The influence of the home environment on academic skills'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 22/3/20187PhD Position in Organization SciencesVrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)NetherlandsDeadLine : 8/4/2018Ιατρική Επιστήμη (3 θέσεις)
1Ph.D. position in Experimental ImmunologyUniversity of BaselBasel, Switzerland2Postdoctoral research fellow m/f, vacancy number 2018/0171University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht)NetherlandsDeadLine : 20/3/20183Post-Doctoral Research Fellow - Gene Regulation and Cancer Cell BehaviorFred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center · Division of Human BiologyUnited States, SeattleΕπιστήμες Διοίκησης (1 θέση)
1Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI)The University of QueenslandAustraliaDeadLine : 23 Mar 2018
πηγή: career.duth.gr
χωρες, δωρεαν, australia, track, science, radio, energy, power, films, study, data, future, software, phd, law, finance, amsterdam, peace, focus, cancer, analytics, quantum, home, radio, ενημερωθειτε, ζωης, μπορειτε, adria, agri, amsterdam, analytics, cancer, cyber, data, energy, films, finance, focus, future, home, law, ομαδες, peace, phd, πληροφοριες, power, quantum, science, study, software, θεσεις
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