Prosecutor proposes mammoth 100-mln-euro bail for release of Lavrentiadis
17:56 13/2/2014
- Πηγή: E-Typos
The public prosecutor in charge of the Proton Bank unsecured loans case on Thursday proposed a mammoth bail of 100 million euros for the release of the now defunct bank's former CEO Lavrentis Lavrentiadis.
In a proposal to the Appeals Court Justices' Council, which will soon have to consider Lavrentiadis' release after the 18-month statutory limit
for imprisonment on remand approaches, the prosecutor asked that the money used to pay the bail should not be funds that are already frozen in connection with the banking scandal.
Lavrentiadis is accused of embezzling 701 million euros from Proton Bank, in connection with a series of risky loans approved when he was at its helm, most of them to firms in which he had an interest.
The prosecutor also asked for bail of 200,000 euros each for other defendants currently imprisoned on remand in connection with the same case.
The Appeals Court Justices are due to issue a ruling concerning the release of Lavrentiadis and the other defendants in the case within the next few days.
Lavrentiadis is currently being held in the Korydallos prison hospital wing, suffering from a serious illness, and two applications for his release for reasons of health have been denied. He is also being held for a case of attempted murder and is due to testify before a magistrate for a TT Hellenic Post Bank loan given to the company Alapis.
In a proposal to the Appeals Court Justices' Council, which will soon have to consider Lavrentiadis' release after the 18-month statutory limit
Lavrentiadis is accused of embezzling 701 million euros from Proton Bank, in connection with a series of risky loans approved when he was at its helm, most of them to firms in which he had an interest.
The prosecutor also asked for bail of 200,000 euros each for other defendants currently imprisoned on remand in connection with the same case.
The Appeals Court Justices are due to issue a ruling concerning the release of Lavrentiadis and the other defendants in the case within the next few days.
Lavrentiadis is currently being held in the Korydallos prison hospital wing, suffering from a serious illness, and two applications for his release for reasons of health have been denied. He is also being held for a case of attempted murder and is due to testify before a magistrate for a TT Hellenic Post Bank loan given to the company Alapis.
euro, due to, public, thursday, euros, ceo, pay, funds, scandal, series, due, issue, prison, health, hellenic, loan, alapis, ceo, public, alapis, health, due, due to, euros, hellenic, issue, loan, pay, prison, scandal, series, funds, thursday
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